Find out how many gamers are playing FINAL FANTASY XIV Online right now on Steam. Get up-to-date player count stats for the most popular games with GitHyp!
FFXIV - Free Login Campaign Returns!With the latest drop in player count, Final Fantasy XIV returns with a free login Campaign!Final Fantasy XIVJan 10, 2025at05:41byJaym0 FFXIV - Large Player Drop after Dawntrail!Final Fantasy XIV is experiencing a large player drop since 7.0 and 7.1, soo...
© SQUARE ENIX, IMAGE ILLUSTRATION:© YOSHITAKA AMANO "PlayStation" and the "PS" Family logo are registered trademarks and "PS5" is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. Epic, Epic Games, Epic Games Store, the Epic Games Store logo, and Epic Online Services are trademarks and...
A simple horizontal damage meter overlay for Final Fantasy XIV. It currently shows player dps, damage %, hps, max hit, encounter duration and total dps. It's super configurable! It supports English, Portuguese, Chinese (S/T) and French. ...
Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward Partez dans le nord vers la sainte Cité d'Ishgard, une nation recluse enfermée dans un conflit contre des dragons. Vous ne devez faillir sous aucun prétexte, sinon toute lueur d'espoir disparaîtra.
There are dozens of servers to check out in Final Fantasy XIV, and this guide reflects every population on each one in the game.
Global player ratings 4.48Average rating 4.48 stars out of five stars from 44242 ratings 44242 ratings 79% 9% 3% 1% 9% Game and Legal Info For newcomers to FINAL FANTASY XIV Online, this edition includes three award-winning titles - FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn the base game, and th...
咒术在娴熟的运用者手中是可怕的毁灭之力。咒术学派的核心是通过深刻的内省来召唤并控制个体内部潜在的以太之力。 咒术师使用权杖或法杖,利用其中镶嵌着的含魔法特质的自然原石作为媒介,将以太转换成法术。经过这些过程,咒术师便能用毁灭性的法术或咒语造成可怕的破坏。