Final Fantasy XIV Online tiene distintas opciones de creación de personaje que te permiten definir el aspecto de tu héroe. Elige una de las muchas razas para empezar a crear tu personaje. Hyur Al ser la clase más similar a los humanos de Eorzea, los Hyur seguramente te parezcan los av...
Mounts are a form of transportation in Final Fantasy XIV, wherein player characters ride atop the backs of, or are otherwise carried or transported by, various creatures, objects, or vehicles. Mounts allow for faster movement through the world and are an integral system for gameplay and rewards...
Si vous souhaitez découvrir FINAL FANTASY XIV Online, l'essai gratuit est fait pour vous ! Il comprend trois jeux salués par la critique : le jeu de base FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn et les deux extensions FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward et FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood. Rejoigne...
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood Warriors of Light - join the fight for freedom! The time has come to embark upon a new adventure to realms near and far - to rise up with the people of Eorzea and the Far East, and cast down the curs of Garlemald.Final Fantasy XIV Online: Stormblood is...
FINAL FANTASY XIV Online takes place in the world of Hydaelyn – a vibrant planet blessed by the Light of the Crystal. Amid azure seas encompassing the westernmost of the Three Great Continents, there lies a realm embraced by gods and forged by heroes. Her name...Eorzea. It is here that...
Log in to the FINAL FANTASY XIV: Mog Station. Please enter your Square Enix ID and password. Log In Remember ID Log In Enhancing security with one-time passwords. How to remove the software token or software authenticator from your account. ...
免費玩「FINAL FANTASY XIV Online」! 「FINAL FANTASY XIV Online 免費試玩」包含三款獲獎遊戲:主遊戲「FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn」和第一及第二款擴展包:「FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward」與「FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood」。 加入全球超過 3000 萬冒險家的行列,享受精彩絕倫、變化多端的「FINAL ...
FFXIV - A Golden Opportunity!Join the special Final Fantasy XIV screenshot sweepstakes, and win one of the rarest mounts!Final Fantasy XIVOct 16, 2024at04:01byJaym0 FFXIV - 2024 Korean Fan Fest Highlights!On the weekend of the 12th and 13th of October 2024, the Korean Final Fantasy XIV ...
Neferah Sabet(Midgardsormr)さんがフリーカンパニー"The Midnight Veil(Midgardsormr)"のメンバー募集を開始しました。 本日12:02 Vanille Rouge(Garuda)が結成されました。 本日12:02 Nowan Fierinnian Malboro [Crystal] Nowan Fierinnian(Malboro)さんがフリーカンパニー"Knights of the Claw(Malbor...