1">1:Whirling Uppercut 2:Omnistrike 3:Rise and Fall </DropDownList> <LastState Value="3" RealAddress="7FF711DD0017"/> <ShowAsSigned>0</ShowAsSigned> <VariableType>Byte</VariableType> <Address>TifaLevel</Address> </CheatEntry> </CheatEntries> </CheatEntry> </CheatEntries> </CheatTable...
D:FINAL.FANTASY.XIII.ASIA.PC.Green.Edition.v2-ALI213FINAL FANTASY XIIIwhite_dataprogwinbinProfileALI213Saves PS: 視乎你玩的是哪個版本~ 3. 你是指使用修改器的時候,每次一攻擊就停止運作? 你是指用 CE? 還是指用 FF13_trainer? 我在 Win7 下使用,兩個修改器都完全沒有任何問題,Win8 或 XP ...
ISC license FF7Tools V1.5 === FF7Tools is a suite of command-line translation and hacking tools for the PlayStation 1 version of the game Final Fantasy VII by Squaresoft. It can be used for modding the game, searching for hidden content, and creating fan translations. The main focus of...
Final Fantasy VIIModification, Documentation and Tool ListTable of ContentsComprehensive Game EnhancementsField, Battle and World Graphic EnhancementsMenu and Magic Graphic EnhancementsModels and WeaponsCutscenes and MoviesSound and MusicGameplay ChangesTools, Drivers and PatchesDocumentation and TutorialsBootleg ...
[view·edit·purge]Gabbianiis the Italian word for "seagulls", but also is similar to the Italian verbgabbare, meaning "to trick, to cheat". Together, his full name literally reads: "to bet on something, to trick". Citations ↑ Fantasy VI Settei Shiryō-hen, p.34...
Final Fantasy 7 Cheat codes Enter the following codes while on the field or during battles to activate the corresponding cheat function: Battle Boost (fully heals all allies’ HP/MP, fills the Limit Break gauge): Press R3. No Encounters (does not prevent forced encounters, such as bosses)...
Final Fantasy XIII-2 Sales Stifled Published: December 23, 2011 by Cheat Code Central Staff None Despite critical complaints, especially from Western media, Final Fantasy XIII was very much a commercial success. Its first […] Final Fantasy XIIIFinal Fantasy XIII-2NewsPC FFXIII-2 is Official...
Red XIII Code, Vengeance always available to use: Code: Select all <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <CheatTable> <CheatEntries> <CheatEntry> <ID>1337103631</ID> <Description>"Vengeance Mode Always Available"</Description> <LastState Activated="1"/> <VariableType>Auto Assembler Scr...
Red XIII Code, Vengeance always available to use: Code: Select all <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <CheatTable> <CheatEntries> <CheatEntry> <ID>1337103631</ID> <Description>"Vengeance Mode Always Available"</Description> <LastState Activated="1"/> <VariableType>Auto Assembler Scr...
Coming out only two short years after Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy XIII-2 features towns, mazelike maps, non-linear, gameplay, side quests, new characters, and even a monster-raising aspect to the battle system. To commemorate its release, Sony will be releasing a brand new PS3, with...