For the new vision, there will be quest destination near the middle of the island, south of the big mountain. Go to the northeast part of the blue circle on the map and examine the sparkling Point of Interest. If the Point of Interest doesn't disappear after you check on it, look for...
As a Final Fantasy without traditional leveling progression, every little stat upgrade helps in Lightning Returns. You can get a lot of those by taking on many of the game’s side missions. Some are simple fetch quests while others are more complicated endeavours, often requiring you complete ...
1. The current or next Main Scenario quest. 2. An important side quest to complete. Look here if you can't continue the MSQ due to needing to complete other quests. This HUD element displays the current or next Main Scenario Quest, and any important side quests that unlock important featu...
FFXIV - Little Ladies Day 2025 Guide and Schedule!Celebrate Little Ladies' Day in Final Fantasy XIV! Check out the 2025 event schedule, quest details, and exclusive seasonal rewards.Final Fantasy XIVFeb 25, 2025at02:43byJaym0 FFXIV - On the Hunt for Phantasmagoria!The beloved Moogle Treasure...
Bottled Fantasy 1 Medicine Merchant Emotes These quests unlock the ability to perform new emotes and this list is only those quests that are optional. Quest Type Level Quest GiverUnlocks Good for What Ales You 14 Dodozan Step Dance Help Me, Lord of the Dance 14 P'molminn Ball Dance...
New to Chapter 8 and onward are road races that can be started by checking some blueprints at Cid's garage for a side quest. The quest is simple: Find some big tires and bring them back to upgrade the Regalia to its Type-D form. Once you do this, another side quest will be availab...
Players may check the current status of the Mog Tablet quest at any time by speaking with the Explorer Moogle stationed in Ru'Lude Gardens (H-9). Tracking Down the Elusive Tablets What's that? You want some advice before you go off gallivanting around the world? Very well, kupo. ...
New Alliance Raid: Echoes of Vana'diel, a crossover series with Final Fantasy XI. Expansive new lifestyle content: Cosmic Exploration. Major graphical update.Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker Yet shadowed by their triumph in the First, the Warrior of Light and Scions of the Seventh Dawn are home ...
A beginner’s guide to Final Fantasy XIV Find out how to get started in the magical realm of Eorzea. Find out more See it in action Final Fantasy XIV Online videos Welcome to Eorzea A world of adventure lies before you. A jewel in the sand - Ul’dah ...
Ramuh (ラムウ, Ramū?), also known as Indra, is a recurring character and summoned creature in the Final Fantasy series. He is affiliated with thunder and lightning and appears as an old man carrying a staff. His signature attack is Judgment Bolt. He is