FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS中文 Wiki 10,056 个页面 探索 基本功能 兵員 任務 物品 其他 分类: 最低5★、最高7★、FFBE、恶魔系兵员 大陆简体 莉莉丝 登录以编辑 莉莉丝 稀有度 5 - 7 主要功能 坦, 魔法伤害, 支援 获得方式 稀有召唤 期间限定 是 国际版原创 是 出自 FFBE 性别 ...
Of the 143564 characters on Anime Characters Database, 49 are from the video game Final Fantasy VII Remake.
Of the 143110 characters on Anime Characters Database, 16 are from the video game Final Fantasy IX.
Bienvenidos a la wiki de Final FantasyLa mayor enciclopedia libre y en español sobre el universo de Final Fantasy. Fundada el 1 de marzo de 2006, esta comunidad actualmente tiene 2954 entradas. En ella, podrás encontrar todo lo que necesitas saber sobre la creación, publicación, aspect...
Chloe, also Chole, is a non-player character in the Final Fantasy VII series. She has a minor role in Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis, and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. She helps her grandfather Chocobo Bill run the Bill's ranch alongside h
属性耐性 --- 异常状态耐性 --- 装备 武器 防具 稀有度能力槽数等级 11Lvl 1 22Lvl 2 固有能力 魔法 稀有度等级图片名称效果MP 11疗伤恢复1名队员的HP (150HP, 3x)3 13窥伺探测查看一名敌人的情报1 112复明治疗一名队员的失明状态3 25解咒治疗一名队员...
Category:Characters All characters of theFinal Fantasyfranchise, including spin-offs. showMain characters showMain articles
Rem Tokimiya is a playable character in Final Fantasy Type-0 who also appears in Final Fantasy Agito and Final Fantasy Awakening. She is a newly added member of Class Zero who wields twin daggers. Due to being a recent recruit, she does not have a number
Though she does not appear in Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII-, posters of her can be found on the walls, and she has an entry in the game manual. In Final Fantasy Tactics, a character named Aerith is native to Ivalice, initially referred to as a "Flower Girl", with the ...
The Final Fantasy Wiki is a comprehensive database focusing on the Final Fantasy game series of Japanese role-playing games developed and published by Square Enix. It is dedicated to collecting all information related to the franchise, such as the storyline, gameplay, characters, creatures, ...