The prequel Crisis Core, set six years before the 1997 PSX game Final Fantasy VII, follows the experiences of Zack Fair as he finds the truth about the organization he works for, Shin-Ra. Cloud Strife is still a Shinra Guard during the time, and Aerith Gainsborough appears as well. Other...
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Final Fantasy VIIis a decent game, but more importantly it has been a very influential RPG. By the time I first playedFinal Fantasy VII, I had been playing RPGs for years, but that was not the case for many RPGamers. For legions, this was the RPG that started it all, and for that...
2 de abril de 1994 (Japão) País de origem Japão Central de atendimento oficial Game Mod Idiomas Japonês Inglês Também conhecido como Final Fantasy Anthology: Final Fantasy VI Empresa de produção Square Company Consulte mais créditos da empresa na IMDbPro ...
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Final Fantasy has always been an innovator. The Active Time Battle system inFinal Fantasy IVintroduced a new layer of strategy to combat; Materia allowed you to customise your party and their skills inFinal Fantasy VII; and Gambits meant thatFinal Fantasy XIItook on a bit of an MMO sensibilit...
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but using cartridge ROM meant those games had to be sold for over 10000 yen. New players did not flock to those games like they had before. If we used CD-ROM for Final Fantasy VII, we’d be able to have a 2-disc game at a price of 5800 yen. I was hoping it would be possible...
PSX FFT Hacking Research, information and assembly hacking surrounding the original Final Fantasy Tactics game on Playstation. Posts: 12,015Topics: 857 Last post: January 12, 2025, 06:01:30 am Re: A hack saving place ... by Orkney War of the Lions Hacking Research and hacking developm...
Final Fantasy VII is a console role-playing game developed and published by Square (now Square Enix), and the seventh installment in the Final Fantasy video game series. It was released in 1997 and is the first numbered Final Fantasy game for the Sony...