The darkest entry in the series yet, FINAL FANTASY TYPE-0 delivers bloody, breakneck battles alongside the masterful storytelling known of the franchise. This upcoming blockbuster title will transport you to the dynamic and enthralling world of Orience, where an unforgiving war of nations threatens ...
One of the most highly anticipated role-playing games of all time, FINAL FANTASY TYPE-0 makes its Western debut as FINAL FANTASY TYPE-0 HD. Step into the fray as Class Zero, a group of fourteen students from an elite military academy whose country is attacked by an aggressive neighboring ...
*This game only supports Traditional Chinese/Simplified Chinese/Korean text The darkest entry in the series yet, FINAL FANTASY TYPE-0 delivers bloody, breakneck battles alongside the masterful storytelling known of the franchise. This upcoming blockbuster title will transport you to the dynamic and...
FINAL FANTASY TYPE-0 HD具有引人入勝的世界觀、眾多令人印象深刻的角色,以及承襲系列作的細膩架構,將為各位帶來不負FINAL FANTASY盛名的高品質遊戲體驗,以及風格成熟的故事內容。本作毫無疑問地將成為下一代熱門巨作,作為舞台的是多采多姿、驚艷迷人的奧利恩斯世界。
平台: PC/PS4/Xbox One/PSP 别名: Final Fantasy Type-0 / Final Fantasy Agito 13 / Final Fantasy Agito XIII / ファイナルファンタジー 零式 开发商: Square Visual Works / Square Enix 发行商: Square Enix 发行日期: 2011-10-27 想玩在玩玩过...
《最终幻想:零式HD》将于2015年的3月17日与玩家见面,游戏的繁体中文版则将于3月19日发售,登陆Xbox One和PS4平台,尽请期待。 高清视频画面:
内容の説明 これは、一片の物語ではない。自ら綴る歴史であり、運命である。 2011年に発売された「FINAL FANTASY 零式」が待望のHD化! メインキャラクターモデルのクオリティアップやゲームバランス調整を施し、 フルHD解像度の圧倒的なグラフィックで戦火に翻弄される人間
The darkest entry in the series yet, FINAL FANTASY TYPE-0 HD delivers bloody, breakneck battles alongside the masterful storytelling known of the franchise. This upcoming blockbuster title will transport you to the dynamic and enthralling world of Orience, where an unforgiving war of nations threaten...
The darkest entry in the series yet, FINAL FANTASY TYPE-0 delivers bloody, breakneck battles alongside the masterful storytelling known of the franchise. This upcoming blockbuster title will transport you to the dynamic and enthralling world of Orience, where an unforgiving war of nations threatens ...
After being released three years ago on the PSP in Japan, Type-0 is finally making its way to the West in HD form for the PS4 and Xbox One. Although there are some issues with the transition to HD platforms, I came away from New York Comic Con generally impressed. Final Fantasy Type...