Main article: Final Fantasy Type-0 charactersFinal Fantasy Type-0 features fourteen playable characters, all of whom are Agito Cadets at Akademeia as Class Zero. Each member wields a different weapon and has a unique fighting style. Aside from Machina and Rem, the members are named after the...
Of the 143451 characters on Anime Characters Database, 477 are from the franchise Final Fantasy (Series).
Gallery of official artwork and character designs from Final Fantasy Type-0, featuring concept art for the game's characters by Tetsuya Nomura and Yusuke Naora.
Class Zero is the premier class of Agito Cadets in Final Fantasy Type-0 and comprises the game's player characters. Its members consist of fourteen cadets from Akademeia, the magic academy of the capital of the Dominion of Rubrum. Kurasame Susaya is the
Despite her kind-hearted and well-mannered demeanor, she wields deadly dual daggers and an arsenal of powerful spells, proving a valuable ally in any situation.Booklet description[1] Rem Tokimiya is a playable character in Final Fantasy Type-0 who also a
Final Fantasy Type-0as references. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Timeas equipment. Dissidia Final Fantasyas a cameo. Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omniaas a playable character. Pictlogica Final Fantasyas a playable character. Final Fantasy Airborne Brigadeas a summonableLegend. ...
【Cinque】Final Fantasy Type-0 ▆CINQUE▆资料 只看楼主 收藏 回复氵離___ 吧主 7 () 氵離___ 吧主 7 姓名:CINQUE(五点/辛珂)826年火の月(1月)12日生。 16岁,女性,身长163cm。身份:候补生NO.5 武器:锤(メイス) CV:丰崎爱生 有点奇怪,是一个让人琢磨不透的少女。因为没有人知道她想...
【Type·Zero】..作品简介 作品名:最终幻想零式 英文名:Final Fantasy Type-0 制作公司:SQUARE ENIX 平台:PSP(Play Station portabl
Final Fantasy XIV, Sidequest The Realm of the Gods. Final Fantasy XIV, Bleeding Them Dry. 2015 14-hour Anniversary Broadcast Lore Panel Wrap Up Final Fantasy XIV, Navigator's Brand. Final Fantasy XIV, Oschon's Finger. Insert paragraph Final Fantasy XIV characters Allusions - Artwork - Benchma...
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