Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions has arrived for iPhone/iPod touch! Released as the Final Fantasy series' first tactical RPG in 1997, Final Fantasy Tactics on Playstation went on to sell over 2.4 million copies worldwide. The game grew in popularity upon its re-release in 2007...
Final Fantasy Tactics(1997) T Video Game|Action, Adventure, Drama Edit pageAdd to list Track The story of a heroic squire religated to the lost pages of history. Director Yasumi Matsuno Writer Yasumi Matsuno(written by) Producer Hironobu Sakaguchi ...
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最终幻想战略版:狮子战争_FINAL FANTASY TACTICS: THE WAR OF THE LIONS,最终幻想战略版:狮子战争iPhone版下载,最终幻想战略版:狮子战争攻略及游戏评测尽在游民星空手游站。
本作是 FINAL FANTASY 系列中首款模拟 RPG 游戏。游戏特色包括由 20 种以上的职业和 400 种以上的能力自由组合的「Job Making」,以及在 3D 世界中融入时间概念的「4D 战斗」。透过战略性丰富的战斗,在将大国 Ivalice 一分为二的「狮子战争」的史实中,找寻隐藏其中的真相吧。 类型: 角色扮演 , 策略 , 回合...
话说《Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions》(狮子战争)在 2013 年之时已经移植至 iOS,两年后的今日也终于有 Android 的版本了。这款游戏于 1997 年首先在 PlayStation 上推出,在十年之后则推出 PSP 的版本,而 Android 版则是基于 PSP 版本而开发出的改进版,除了全触控操作之外,也加入了新的地图操...
类型: 游戏/角色扮演/策略 平台: iPhone/iPad/Android/PSP 别名: Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions / ファイナルファンタジータクティクス 獅子戦争 开发商: Square Enix 发行商: Square Enix Ltd. / Square Enix 发行日期: 2007-05-10 ...
Candy-obsessed aliens, side-scrolling beat-'em-ups, a sick pig, and a console classic join our top iPhone/iPad list this week. 8.9 Great Average Rating 9380 Rating(s) 8.9 Sign Into rateFinal Fantasy Tactics Developed by: Square Enix ...
Final Fantasy Tactics is a strategy role-playing game in the Final Fantasy series. It was released for the PlayStation in June 1997, and has since been re-released as the updated Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions (ファイナルファンタジータクティ
【资源】FINAL ..简单说一下吧,十一假期去11区偶然遇到的,作为真爱粉的lz立马就买了(主要是以前在网络上找到的音质好渣啊,还不全)大概一两个月前就抓了数字版,一直没有时间放出来,今天终于有时间了,现在给广大吧友分享下