Of the 143908 characters on Anime Characters Database, 18 are from the video game Final Fantasy VII.
Of the 143902 characters on Anime Characters Database, 15 are from the video game Final Fantasy VIII.
TheFinal Fantasyuniverse includes some of thebest video game charactersever crafted, each bringing their own qualities to an array of legendary titles. From warriors to sorceresses, the series offers a plethora of intriguing personalities. With its fascinating worlds, compelling storylines, and rich ...
Vote up the worst Final Fantasy characters of all time, from any version of the game. Vote down the characters you don't mind that much. Final Fantasy games are known for their rich lore, sprawling overworlds, and innovative combat systems, but their true legacy is creating at lea...
The characters are arranged alphabetically by used name; usually first name, but in cases like Captain Mac, the surname (listed as "Mac, Captain"). In 1 the characters were little more than plot devices, but as the series progressed, they became more and more deep and nuanced. Enjoy!
Final Fantasy bucked that trend by creating worlds, stories, and characters that you grew to know and love, or hate, as the game went on. They were some of the first true narrative-driven adventures in gaming, and a major component in the series’ continued success is delivering new and ...
Final Fantasy VI Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy VIII Final Fantasy IX - XVI Final Fantasy IX Final Fantasy X Final Fantasy XI Final Fantasy XII Final Fantasy XIII Final Fantasy XIV Final Fantasy XV Final Fantasy XVI Subseries Contents Characters Jobs Races Locations Ga...
In Final Fantasy XIV an NPC may say the following to the player: Why, if it isn't Sephiroth! Or was it Sephiross? Setirophx? xXxSephirothxXx? referring to Sephiroth and common variations used to name characters on MMOs (and by proxy, Final Fantasy XIV itself). The main antagonist of ...
Square Enix has has released new information for Final Fantasy VII Remake detailing characters, the Shrinra Electric Power Company, Tifa's [...]
in: Characters in Final Fantasy Tactics, Paladins English Agrias Oaks Edit Agrias Oaks (アグリアス・オークス, Aguriasu Ōkusu?) Portraits Sprites Biographical information Age 21 (born June 22) Affiliation Lionsguard Zodiac sign Cancer Physical description Race Hume Gender Female ...