Dal 2000 Omnia Crystallis - precedentemente noto come Zell's Fantasy - offre notizie, guide ecc. su Final Fantasy e altri titoli targati Square Enix.
Final Fantasy VI is the sixth main installment in the Final Fantasy series, typically considered the last game of the pixel era, and was developed and published by Squaresoft. It was released in April 1994 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in J
Image: Nintendo Life As one of the biggest RPG franchises in the world, Final Fantasy has a boatload of titles under its belt. Starting in 1987 with the originalFinal Fantasyon the NES, the franchise has simply exploded over the years and introduced many watershed RPGs to the world. Not ...
Perhulov Nikolay 185个粉丝 Battle through Midgar with Cloud & the Avalanche team in FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADE, releasing on June 17, 2022 on STEAM with full Steam Deck compatibility. FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADE is a visually enhanced edition of the critically acclaimed and awar...
7.9最终幻想13 Final Fantasy XIII 评测平台:PC 尽管有着一些不容忽视的缺点,尽管因为傲慢放弃了一些让系列得以取得今日辉煌地位的珍贵元素,可《最终幻想13》依然是一部优秀的RPG,有着别处难觅的雍容华贵和绚丽多彩。 五色相宣 史艾在上世代主机平台上共推出了三部单机《最终幻想》,分别是《最终幻想13》、《最终幻想...
Now enhanced for Windows PC, FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 is created with the aim of surpassing the quality of its predecessor in every way, featuring new gameplay systems and cutting-edge visuals and audio. In this game the player has the freedom to choose from a range of possibilities and paths;...
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood Guerrieri della Luce, combattete per la libertà! È giunta l'ora di affrontare una nuova avventura in regni vicini e lontani, per risollevare le sorti delle genti di Eorzea e dell'Estremo Oriente, e sconfiggere la maledizione di Garlemald. ...
FINAL FANTASY XV: EPISODE GLADIO 4,98 € Descrizione FINAL FANTASY XV ROYAL EDITION è la nuova vetta di una storia epica piena di contenuti aggiuntivi e novità. Unisciti al principe Noctis e ai suoi amici e lotta contro l'Impero per riconquistare il loro regno. Novità: ・Rovine di ...
相比于前作,FINAL FANTASY® XIII-2在游戏的玩法上更加完善,游戏的自由度有了很大的提升,在操作方面也有改善,战斗系统还是和原作一样,稍有改动改为两位主角加上一只精灵。在剧情方面,通关之后真的感觉有点突然,就是早已营造好的一种气氛突然被女主的死打断了,部分人可能接受不了,同时也为后一作留下了悬念,希望...