Having trouble deciding what job to take to save the land of Eorzea? Come check our list of jobs for Final Fantasy XIV.
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn jobs. Jobsare an extension of their baseclassesand require asoul crystalto activate.A job is a strict upgrade to its class, which means there is no reason to keep using the class once the job is available.There are currently 21 regular jobs and onelimited...
Special Job List Job NameRequirements Agent This job is only available to special unit Al-Cid Margrace, who can only be recruited after completing the main game. Complete the quest A Dashing Duel, then check the notices in the pub and go to Targ Wood to get him to join. Bard This job...
Final Fantasy V Job Classes Jobs Bard Beastmaster Berserker Black Mage Blue Mage Cannoneer Chemist Dancer Dragoon Freelancer Geomancer Gladiator Knight Mime Monk Mystic Knight Necromancer Ninja Oracle Ranger Red Mage Samurai Summoner Thief Time Mage ...
Job Ability DescriptionWizards have a large variety of spells, so choosing the right ones can be difficult. The level one and level three spells are worth getting, and Flare is nice too. The level four spells are very expensive JP-wise and take way too long to charge to justify picking ...
In FINAL FANTASY XIV, sufficient mastery of a class will open up the path to one or more related jobs and their respective actions. To learn more about job actions, traits, and job gauges, check out the section below. Tank High in HP and trained in defense, a tank serves as the party...
Last Update:12/11/2024 All descriptions are based on action attributes and bonuses attained by level 100. For further details on changes to actions and traits in Patch 7.1, please refer to thepatch notes. Actions & Traits Job Actions
1. Melee Tier List Tier lists in Final Fantasy XIV are fairly nuanced, so if you'd like a more detailed explanation on the jobs within this role, feel free to read on beyond the initial tier list we've provided. In this game with the current landscape, there is not a clear winner ...
Jobs ByShawn Saris,,Leah B. Jackson,+21.9k more updatedDec 7, 2014 advertisement Final Fantasy XIV Jobs There are many differentJobsinFinal Fantasy XIV. Once you've mastered your main role as aclassof your choosing, you can then choose a Job which relates more specifically to your role ...
The cane-wielding, classic Final Fantasy role has had a rough journey to number two on the list. While they've always been viable, FF14 saw long periods of time whenWhite Magefelt a little lost. As of Endwalker, White Mage is the king of personal healer DPS with an intense burst that...