Moguri Mod is a total revamp of the PC version of Final Fantasy IX helped by deep learning techniques (ESRGAN). 5.0GB 1.0k 34.2k Memoria Miscellaneous Uploaded: 05 Nov 2017 Last Update: 06 Aug 2024 Author: Albeoris and contributors Uploader: Albeoris Memoria Engine is a community rewr...
這個FF9 版本的名稱叫「最終幻想 9 Steam 原版+Moguri Mod+ 繁體中文漢化補丁」,其中最終幻想 9 原版當然是指 Steam 版的 FF9 程式; 而 Moguri Mod 是指由 Moguri 專為 Steam 版 FF9 而製作的一個 Mod; 而「繁體中文漢化補丁」當然就是指「中文漢化包」~ 説到這個Moguri Mod,據稱是利用由人工智能,針對 ...
El tercer parche de Final Fantasy XIV, lanzado el 8 de julio de 2014. Entre sus novedades destacan: Inicio del arco opcional de la mensajería moguri. Tres nuevas mazmorras: Hullbreaker Isle, Terrenos de Tam-Tara (Hard), y Vigilia Pétrea (Hard). Un nuevo desafío: The Striking Tree ...
Remove Mod.To uninstall manually;- Delete the 'RandomizerMod' folder inside your steam Final Fantasy IX folder.- Inside the 'StreamingAssets' folder, return the 'p0data2.bak' file back to 'p0data2.bin'.- If you are using Moguri, go to MoguriFiles\StreamingAssets\ and revert 'p0data2...
Selling over five million copies since its release in 2000, FINAL FANTASY IX proudly returns on Steam! Now you can relive the adventures of Zidane and his crew on PC !
Moguri Mod ByMoguri Team Moguri Mod is a total revamp of the PC version of Final Fantasy IX helped by deep learning techniques (ESRGAN). The most important changes are in the background arts, that are now cleaner, more detailed and higher resolution. Moguri Mod also includes a custom implem...
Final Fantasy IX mod | Released 2020 summary articles reviews files videos images Moguri Mod is a rework of FFIX's visuals, helped by AI and polished with love. It's a faithful experience aimed at new players, veterans and nostalgic people alike - HD backgrounds (faithfully aided by AI...
All games Final Fantasy IX Videos General GeneralPages 1 Time All time Sort by Recent Order Desc Show 20 items FFIX All Eidolons Animations Moguri Mod jinjobless 12 0 Pages 1 VORTEX The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Learn more ...