The answer for many is no.Final Fantasy 7 Remakeis in no way a failure, but it’s also notFinal Fantasy 7. Maybe that can be called nostalgia bias, maybe it can be called a misunderstanding of what makesFinal Fantasy 7so iconic, or maybe the idea of taking a game’s story that wa...
本吧热帖: 1-【重要的话只说一遍】FF13吧2014.9新版吧规正式上线(小伙伴看这 2-「攻略汇总帖」FF13/FF13-2/LR。欢迎新老玩家。 3-我去,为啥昨天还能共享,今天就不行了? 4-最终幻想13Remake还是hd? 5-冰雪合奏队 6-开发人员访谈PLUS/土田俊郎访谈/制作人&导演访谈 7-pc