In Final Fantasy 7 (VII) Rebirth you unlock Hard Difficulty and Chapter Select upon beating the story for the first time, after finishing all 14 Chapters. It doesn’t matter on what difficulty you finish the story. You do not need to beat it on Normal. Beating the story on Easy also...
Completed Game save file with access to chapter select. Hard Mode is available.Place the save inDocuments\My Games\FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH\Steam\(yoursteamid) Share Permissions and credits This save was created by blasting through the game with 1 hit ko cheats, so there's really nothing...
After the story you unlock Chapter Select. Go back to Chapter 13, everything in the open world is still accessible from the start of Chapter 13. Any progress carries over between chapters. If you skipped anything from theCollectible Guideyou can clean it up now. After the story you will u...
PC版《最终幻想7:重生(Final Fantasy VII Rebirth)》STEAM直播实况 72 0 07:04:52 App 结《最终幻想 起源:天堂的陌生人》2 Final Fantasy Origin 36 0 01:04:11 App 【4KPS5HDR黎之轨迹2 -绯红原罪- 第三幕 P28 657 0 04:53 App Final Fantasy VII Rebirth 萨菲罗斯十分贴心的给克劳德讲解这一切 但...
蒂法被偷袭,下场很惨烈 强迫近身相机拍局部 关闭显示伤害数值和血条 最终幻想7重生 rebrith 黑神话 原神 455 0 03:01 App Final Fantasy VII Rebirth 众人抵达了忘却之都 还有阴魂不散的黑菲拉和萨菲罗斯 或者应该称为——杰诺瓦 2.3万 2 00:18 App 蒂法的礼物 7027 5 00:08 App “你害怕小游戏吗?” 686...
Main article: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth battle systemClear Game BonusesMuch like in Final Fantasy VII Remake, completing the campaign in any difficulty unlocks the Chapter Select, which functions like a New Game Plus, where players retain all their character progress, equipment, materia and items ...
Oftentimes Rebirth’s Hard Mode content is unforgiving. Chapter Select is available postgame and you can either keep or reset side quest progress, so don’t feel anxious about skipping quests on the first play through. I am two legendary combat sim challenges away from the platinum trophy at ...
FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH 支援語言:(日英文版) 語音:日文、英文、法文、德文 字幕:日文、英文、法文、德文、義大利文、西班牙文、巴西葡萄牙文、拉丁美洲西班牙文 FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH 支援語言:(中韓文版) 語音:日文、英文、法文、德文 字幕:韓文、繁體中文、簡體中文...
最终幻想VII 重生Final Fantasy VII Rebirth PlayStation 5 @简中@繁中@韩语@日语@英语 白:1 金:1 银:5 铜:54 语音:日语/英语/法语/德语 白金难度 7~9.5/10 白金时间 100~300小时 白金周目数 2周目(HARD2周目) 难度奖杯/奖杯BUG/错过奖杯 HARD难度通关/1.020版本下无法完成#36万能帮手任务/无 ...