Of the 143902 characters on Anime Characters Database, 49 are from the video game Final Fantasy VII Remake.
Of the 143998 characters on Anime Characters Database, 15 are from the video game Final Fantasy VIII.
Gallery of official artwork and character designs from Final Fantasy VIII, featuring concept art for the game's characters, monsters, and environments by Tetsuya Nomura, Yusuke Naora, and Yoshitaka Amano.
Over 18K fans have voted on the 80+ characters on Best Final Fantasy Characters of All Time. Current Top 3: Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart, Vivi Orunitia
Like Cid, Tifa is a Rabbit sign, born in 1987. She is every bit as witty, compassionate, and quick on her feet as her sign would suggest, making herone of the best characters inFinal Fantasy VII.Though she doesn't have the huge weapons or superhuman abilities that most of her comrades...
From Final Fantasy XIII Media Type video game Voiced By Maaya Sakamoto, 坂本真綾, さかもと まあや Voiced By Ali Hillis, , Tags cape, boots, fingerless gloves, detached trouser-legs Personality EN Voice Actor Ali Hillis Menu Day 7 Character of the Day nominations Week 3 Character of ...
June 8, 2021Wolf KnightFinal Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade0 A list of all character abilities in FF7 Remake Intergrade/Final Fantasy 7 Remake on the PS5 and PS4. Included are ability descriptions, ATB cost, and how to unlock them.
By learning more of their backstories and relationships, characters who previously had little-to-no impact on the gamer emotionally became huge touchpoints of the remake. While it's hard not to like almost all the characters inFinal Fantasy 7 Remake,there are some who stand out more than ...
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirthdoes a great job of giving the old glow-up treatment to previously smaller NPCs.Final Fantasy 7 Remakedid this as well with characters such as Johnny. He was kind of nothing NPC in the original game who hung around the Honey Bee Inn. He was integral to helping Ae...
Character guide for Aerith Gainsborough in Final Fantasy 7 Remake / FF7R. Included are the character's stats, abilities, unique commands, limit breaks, and recommended equipment. Aerith Gainsborough ADVERTISEMENT A flower girl from the slums. Aerith meetsCloudin the streets of Midgar during the la...