Jeux PC Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age PC Ajouter à ma liste d’envie Skip to the end of the images gallery Skip to the beginning of the images gallery Steam Plateformes(3) Éditions(1) Évalué - Prix Spécial129,19 ¥CNRRP330,19 ¥CN ...
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Upgrade PC - DLC ¥ 65.79 添加到收藏夹 立即购买 -69% God of War PC ¥ 115.59 添加到收藏夹 立即购买 -70% Monster Hunter Rise PC ¥ 93.99 添加到收藏夹 立即购买 -60% Final Fantasy XIII PC
最终幻想12:黄道年代 FINAL FANTASY XII THE ZODIAC AGE PC免安装中文下载。这款享有盛名的经典游戏已经过完全重制,新增了全新要素,游戏玩法也得到改良。 重返伊瓦利斯世界 投身到伊瓦利斯世界中的战乱纪元。被亚凯迪亚帝国征服的效果达尔玛斯卡如今只剩下断壁残垣,百姓人心惶惶。王位唯一的继承人艾雪公主为了解放自己的...
FINAL FANTASY XII THE ZODIAC AGE – This revered classic returns, now fully remastered for the first time for PC, featuring all new and enhanced gameplay. Enter an era of war within the world of Ivalice. The small kingdom of Dalmasca, conquered by the Archadian Empire, is left in ruin ...
FFXII The Zodiac Age Welcome to! We are dedicated to being the best source of information for Final Fantasy XII and Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age. Keep in mind you can use (CTRL+F) to search for things on long pages quickly. ...
FFXII The Zodiac Age Welcome to! We are dedicated to being the best source of information for Final Fantasy XII and Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age. Keep in mind you can use (CTRL+F) to search for things on long pages quickly. ...
FINAL FANTASY XII THE ZODIAC AGE - 这款享有盛名的经典游戏已经过完全重制,新增了全新要素,游戏玩法也得到改良,并首次登陆PC平台。 重返伊瓦利斯世界投身到伊瓦利斯世界中的战乱纪元。被亚凯迪亚帝国征服的效果达尔玛斯卡如今只剩下断壁残垣,百姓人心惶惶。王位唯一的继承人艾雪公主为了解放自己的国家而倾尽所有。梵...
Return to the World of Ivalice Fully remastered in high definition for the first time, featuring all-new and enhanced gameplay features The high-definition remaster introduces several modern advancements, including reconstructed battle design and a revam
平台: PC/PS4/Xbox One/Nintendo Switch 别名: 最终幻想12 黄道年代 / 最终幻想12 黄道时代 / FF12 TZA / ファイナルファンタジーXII ザ ゾディアック エイジ 发行商: Square Enix 预计上市时间: 2017-07-11 发行日期: 2017-07-11 豆瓣评分 ...
1名玩家 分級 FINAL FANTASY XII THE ZODIAC AGE (日英文版) 登入以評分 10086個評分 86% 9% 2% 1% 2% 遊戲和法律資訊 以『FINAL FANTASY XII INTERNATIONAL ZODIAC JOB SYSTEM』為基礎,不但提昇了圖像和聲音的品質,更透過重新調整遊戲設計,使這款『FFXII』進化版實現了與時俱進的發展。