(6) Maintaining credibility requires confronting potential adversaries with the objective, unambiguous facts of our counter-balancing military capabilities, our political strengths and economic advantages, and our clear resolution to use these for our defense if necessary. 保持这种可靠性需要以下客观的、...
The authors are with the ATR Key Laboratory, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, Hunan 410073, P. R. China (e-mail: vanilla_hugh_hl@163.com). Color versions of one or more of the ?gures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object...
DepartmentofDefense(DoD)hasstudiedthepossibilityofsharingthis350megahertzof spectrumwiththeprivatesector.DoD’sstudieshelpedtodeterminewhetherthisbandshould bereallocatedforsharedFederalandnon-Federaluseandlicensedthroughauction.DoD determinedthatsharingisfeasibleifcertainadvancedinterference-mitigationfeaturesanda 1630/ coo...
Actually, an optical mouse does not require cleaning, as it doesn’t include moving parts. This feature also removes mechanical exhaustion. If the mouse device is used with a suitable surface, then noticing is more exact as compared through any pointing device with the older electromechanical desi...
Tired of the travel and divorced she returned to Mexico and became hostess and assistant manager to an exclusive membership club for the Secretaria de Gobernacion and as public affairs administrator with the Pan American Defense League comprised of the nations in South and Central America. Angelica ...