Pro Video Formats 套装供所有 Mac 用户免费下载。该套装为在各种专业视频工作流程中用到的一系列视频编解码器提供支持。 进一步了解Pro Video Formats 活动 + Video Creator University 在视频点播活动中,了解如何通过 Final Cut Pro 和专为电影制作人而打造的 Apple 生态系统,大展你的创作才华,该活动包含创作在线视...
AppleCare 专业技术支持提供 IT 部门级别的技术支持,可协助部署和管理包含 Final Cut Pro、Motion 和 Compressor 在内的专业视频工作流程。 进一步了解 AppleCare 专业技术支持 Apple 技术支持社区 参加Apple 主办的 Final Cut Pro 的在线论坛。 Final Cut Pro 技术支持社区 Pro Video Formats + Pro Video Formats...
Final Cut Pro X Supported Export Formats Video Format Apple Animation Codec Apple Intermediate Codec Apple ProRes (All versions) AVCHD (AVCCAM, AVCHD Lite and NXCAM) AVC-ULTRA(AVC-LongG, AVC-Intra Class 50/100/200/4:4:4 and AVC-Intra LT) Canon Cinema RAW Light (Need the manufacturer's...
进一步了解为扩展 Final Cut Pro 的强大功能而设计的一系列插件、内容和设备。进一步了解 插件、设备和内容。前往Mac App Store 查看相关 app 全部展开 全部折叠 说明文档 + Ripple Training + 网络教程 + 认证 + 白皮书 + 技术支持 + Pro Video Formats + ...
12 月 3 日消息,苹果公司今天更新了专业视频编辑工具 Final Cut Pro,增加一些新的特性,修复漏洞。另外还更新了 Xcode 修复使用 Swift 进行编程出现的崩溃问题。 Final Cut Pro 10.1.4 支持通过 Pro Video Formats 2.0 软件更新,原生支持 Material eXchange Format (MXF) 导入、编辑以及导出,还有选择导出 AVC-Intra...
Final Cut Pro 10.4.7 选择版本: Final Cut Pro for Mac 11.0Final Cut Pro for Mac 10.8Final Cut Pro for Mac 10.7Final Cut Pro for Mac 10.6.9Final Cut Pro for Mac 10.6.7Final Cut Pro for Mac 10.6.6Final Cut Pro 10.6.2Final Cut Pro 10.6Final Cut Pro 10.5.3Final Cut Pro 10.5.1Fina...
Define final cut. final cut synonyms, final cut pronunciation, final cut translation, English dictionary definition of final cut. n. the final edited version of a film, approved by the director and producer. Compare rough cut. Random House Kernerman Webs
Apple today announced the launch of major updates for its Final Cut Pro video editing software designed for Macs and iPads. Final Cut Pro has been version 10 since 2011, but after 13 years, Apple is finally ready to debut Final Cut Pro 11.Apple...
New formats for version 5 include native HDV—the consumer-level high-definition video format—and Sony's IMX video format. Version 5 displays the future of tapeless video production, with its support of Panasonic's P2 technology, which you can import directly into Final Cut Pro via the ...
Final Cut Pro X was using 90GB of memory (on a 16GB system). Yeah, totally ran out of disk space there (like 400MB free or something horrible). Attempt two - used lower render settings (1080p faster h.264 instead of 4K). Memory usage is hovering around 9GB and Activity Monitor ...