Luma Toy. This plugin started life as a simplified 'blowout fixer'. The idea was that if the levels were too hot in one channel, I could build the luminance from one of the other channels, but it turned out that the look of the image was altered too much - but not always in a ba...
A collection of the best free Final Cut Pro presets and templates. Add them to your video editing library and use them in future projects.
Related Free Effect Friday – Final Cut Pro X: Alex4D Inset Transition26 July, 2013In "FCP X plugin" My 2012 Top 15 Plugins31 December, 2012In "final cut pro x" Final Cut Pro X 10.0.3 bug: Title opacity can effect overlaid storylines2 February, 2012In "final cut pro x"←...
In this Final Cut Pro X transition the incoming clip is divided up into a series of concentric shapes which fade in over the outgoing clip. You can choose from circles, triangles, squares and polygons with more sides. You can also control the width between each shape, the softness of the...
New Final Cut Pro Plugin Being Made Get Notified See More Freebies Why People LoveFinal Cut Pro Plugins Used by Your Questions: Answered Who are your plugins designed for? Do your plugins take a long time to get up and running? Will it bog down my system?
Final Cut Pro 插件合集一键安装包,全面兼容苹果Apple M系列芯片+Intel芯片,提供更多的中文汉化插件,并支持最新的FCPX软件。包含了我们常用的特效、转场、文字标题、片头片尾、分屏效果等多款插件,共计效果数千种。其中插件包含我们常用且熟悉的 红巨人调色Magic Bullet、红巨人宇宙套装Universe、磨皮美颜Beauty Box、MG...
Plugins for Final Cut Pro X. 1000's of effects, transitions, themes and text presets for Final Cut Pro X. Design video graphics for Final Cut using Pixel Film Studios Plugins to simplify your next digital film project.
Plugins for Final Cut Pro X. 1000's of effects, transitions, themes and text presets for Final Cut Pro X. Design video graphics for Final Cut using Pixel Film Studios Plugins to simplify your next digital film project.
Enjoy a free LUT loader for Final Cut Pro X Color Correction presets. Apply powerful creative color grades and correction in Final Cut Pro X. These plugins and LUTs are vital tools to add flexibility and power to you Final Cut Pro Color Correction workfl
Customizable selection of 28 animated timers for Final Cut Pro. Learn moreabout Time Pop Templates + Storm and Motype by Yanobox FCPX Free Comprehensive collection of free templates, titles, transitions, plug-ins, tutorials, and more for Final Cut Pro. ...