打开FCPX,点击顶部菜单栏中的Final Cut Pro > Preferences(Final Cut Pro > 偏好设置)。选择Effects(效果)或Titles and Generators(标题和生成器)标签,检查已安装的插件。2.2 应用插件 添加插件效果 在Effects(效果)面板中,找到并展开Effects(效果)或Generators(生成器)文件夹,查找已安装的插件。将所...
为了增加字幕的可视效果,可以使用Final Cut Pro中的动画效果。选择一个字幕文本框后,点击"Effects"菜单,然后选择"Video Animation"。在弹出的窗口中,可以选择不同的动画效果,如淡入淡出、缩放、旋转等。通过调整动画效果的参数,可以实现各种炫酷的字幕效果。 4.字幕风格 Final Cut Pro提供了丰富的字幕风格模板,可以帮...
Final Cut Pro X v.10.1 is a major new update from Apple. So, wewent back to the drawing board and totally redesigned all our videotraining. All new movies with all new training. More focused. Morecomplete. Yet, with our trademark conversational approach, in-depthcoverage and sense of humo...
Create 2D and 3D titles right in Final Cut Pro, apply and modify filters, and use the built-in chroma key for high-quality green- and blue-screen effects. Expand on the built-in effects with thousands of third-party tools and templates. And for even more control, use Motion to create ...
1. **导入素材:**首先,将你想要用作背景的视频和画中画视频导入到Final Cut Pro的事件库中。 2. **创建时间线:**创建一个新的时间线,将你想要编辑的背景视频拖动到时间线上。 3. **添加画中画效果:**将画中画视频拖动到背景视频的上方轨道。选中画中画视频,在"视觉效果"(Visual Effects)选项卡中找到"画中画...
Had you ever thought about inserting a countdown timer in your video clip? Do you want to try one? This article gives you the best insights on the insertion of the countdown timer in the Final Cut Pro X application. Quickly step into the below content.
打开Final Cut Pro X。点击File > Import > Media,选择你的视频和音频文件,然后点击Import Selected。将导入的素材拖动到时间轴,创建新的项目。2. 创建音频剪辑 添加音频剪辑 在媒体库中,找到你导入的音频文件。将音频文件拖动到时间轴中,放置在视频剪辑的下方。同步音频 如果音频与视频需要同步,可以右键点击...
With Text Animation Toolkit, you have full control over various parameters, including 3D effects, scale, position, and opacity. This Final Cut Pro Presentation Template gives you the flexibility to create unique and customized animations that fit perfectly with your project. Download Text Animation To...
Final Cut Pro提供了许多内置的音频特效,可以让你的音频更加生动和多样化。要使用音频特效,首先选择你想要应用特效的音频片段,在"Effects"面板中选择"Audio Effects"。在这里,你可以找到各种音频特效,如回声、混响、失真等。选择特效后,将其拖动到时间轴上的音频片段上即可应用。 2.产生立体声效果 通过在左右声道上调...
Create 2D and 3D titles right in Final Cut Pro, apply and modify filters, and use the built-in chroma key for high-quality green- and blue-screen effects. Expand on the built-in effects with thousands of third-party tools and templates. And for even more control, use Motion to create ...