The idea thatDemon of Hatredis aDark Soulsboss set inSekiro: Shadows Die Twiceis as cliché as it is true, as it does indeed seem from another world. This beast throws everything you know about the game out the window, and forces you to adopt an uncomfortable gameplay style that is not...
Obvious spoilers here but I think this is truly the hardest fight I've ever experienced in my 24 years of gaming. I've been on this guy for almost a
In recent years, I’ve really enjoyed “From Software” games, namely Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro. So to me, XVI is looking like it will draw some influence and inspiration from modern-day RPGs while still sticking to its roots and rich history which is the Final Fantasy franchise...
I thought that Fengxi, a giant boar-like boss, was going to be a boss fight similar to Sekiro’s Blazing Bull. Sekiro’s Blazing Bull charges at you at full speed, and the player has to run around it to attack from the side or back. In Wo Long however, Fengxi’s charge attacks ...
So, I tested another Steam launcher title, Sekiro (again, haven't played this title in weeks), the same exact behavior as RDR2. Now, that being said, I do have these two titles on a external USB SSD. So I continued to test these behaviors and decided to fire-up Gods Of War, ...