pro.fina_indicator(ts_code='600519.SH', start_date='20080101', end_date='20141231') 会出现如下数据 ts_code ann_date end_date eps dt_eps ... 27 600519.SH 20080313 20071231 3.00 3.00 28 600519.SH 20080313 20061231 1.64 1.64 27和28中间缺少06年季报数据 但
jianmo-lcopened this issueNov 3, 2018· 1 comment 获取财务指标数据的接口pro.fina_indicator,文档说ts_code不是必须的,但是如果接口不传递ts_code会报缺少该参数的错误。#798 jianmo-lcopened this issueNov 3, 2018· 1 comment jimmysoaclosed this ascompletedNov 5, 2018...
Accept the consignment of client financial indicator data analysis, financial management and forecasting reports; helping customers establish effective internal control mechanisms and procedures, and put into practice by maintaining communication with customers to help them solve the day-to-day fina 翻译结果...
自由现金流(估)=经营现金流净额-构建固定、无形资产支付的现金 贵州茅台 639.73 313.92 606.20 495.79 420.62 397.78 210.28 364.32 153.75 82.01 72.49 77.09 京东方A 134.94 136.24 266.01 -49.64 -233.33 -288.36 -214.75 -206.29 -81.14 -131.94 -93.70 -11.45 TCL中环 -69.82 -61.56 -18.21 -7.98 -21.36 -37....