Fin24, news website News24's financial news platform has rebranded to News24 Business, completed with a new logo. Source © LinkedIn LinkedIn The Media24 building in Cape Town The rebranding is part of News24 strengthening the quality of its content offering across its various virtual pages...
The article lists the top news featured at and the comments sent by readers including the retrenchment of more than 800 workers at the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor Co. (PBMR) and the delay of the draft bill on labour broking...
已进驻7家单位 二十届中央第四轮巡视陆续进驻 根据中央关于巡视工作的统一部署,近日,15个中央巡视组陆续开始进驻被巡视单位,开展为期2个月左右的常规巡视。 目前,中央巡视组已进驻7家单位。 已进驻中央巡视组联络方式: 中央第二巡视组: 文化和旅游部党组 ● 专门值班电话:010-65116880 ●每天受理电话时间:8:00-18...
IMF:建设全球央行数字货币 (CBDC)平台以降低支付成本 9月2日讯,国际货币基金组织货币(IMF)和资本市场部主任 Tobias Adrian 表示希望开发一个全新的结算系统,以削减国际转账的成本。该平台将接受 CBDC 付款并将其托管,而后针对这些付款发行...
FF5-News模型:将新闻分类(由新闻因子化模块提供)与股票交易数据结合,生成FF5-News因子。 Fama-French五因子模型:一个经典的资产定价模型,包括市场因子、规模因子、账面市值比因子、盈利能力因子和投资风格因子。 新闻因子:作为FF5模型的补充,新闻因子量化了新闻对股票回报的影响。
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Another key theme from this year’s survey was the continued rise of ‘Generation Z’, as both a customer and employee. Young people under the age of 24 now make up between 50% and 65% of the Middle East population, and senior finance executives across the region believe their...
news sites Moreover, you can add an RSS feed of a website if you want to monitor any additional sources. Examine all collected mentions in the Mentions feed. The tool also offers a wide range of filters you might find useful. First of all, there is the Sentiment filter. The sentiment ...
Fintech Innovators, a collaboration between investment firm H2 Ventures and KPMG, have revealed a list of the world's leading financial technology firms for 2016 – which does not include any Zimbabwean companies. Financial technology is an economic industry composed of companies that use technology...
NEWS 工信部等六部门联合印发《算力基础设施高质量发展行动计划》 10月9日,工业和信息化部、中央网信办、教育部、国家卫生健康委、中国人民银行、国务院国资委等六部门近日联合印发《算力基础设施高质量发展行动计划》,提出到2025年,计算力方面...