Also called the Interbank Foreign Exchange Market (IFEM). Due to the scale of its export-related activities, the FGN, through the CBN, is supposed to have the largest store of xZollers in the country (see Part I for background). This makes the CBN the biggest seller of xZollers in the...
Moreover, see Gebauer, S. and Mazelis, F. 2019. “Macroprudential Regulation and Leakage to the Shadow Banking Sector”DIW Berlin Discussion Paper No. 1814, which developed a model that differentiates between regulated, monopolistically competitive commercial banks and a shadow banking system that r...
-Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and AMEX approved as Bank Holding Companies (BHC) to have access to bailout funds -OK'd government purchase of commercial paper Purchased 5% preferred stock from large US banks Authorized insured bond sales by banks ...
The antibacterial effects of nisin A and ε-poly-L-lysine, two commercial peptides used in food preservatives, were compared in the same conditions. Four replicas were performed in each concentration. 3.11. Intracellular and Extracellular H2O2 Formation in Logarithmic Phase of E. coli Induced by ...