words = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "date", "kiwi", "peach"] filtered_words = list(filter(is_long_string, words)) print(filtered_words) 在这个示例中,定义了一个is_long_string函数,用于检查字符串的长度是否大于等于5,然后将其应用于words列表中的每个字符串。 6. 性能考虑 需要注意的是,f...
# 待筛选的列表,包含一些空字符串和非空字符串 words = ["hello", "", "world", " ", "python", ""] # 使用filter函数过滤掉空字符串 filtered_words = filter(None, words) #将filter的结果转换为列表 result = list(filtered_words) print(result) # 输出: ["hello", "world", " ", "python...
words = ["hello", "world", "python"] capitalized_words = list(map(str.upper, words)) print(capitalized_words) 输出: ['HELLO', 'WORLD', 'PYTHON'] 在这个示例中,str.upper函数被应用到words列表的每个元素上,将它们转为大写形式。 示例2:将两个列表对应元素相加 numbers1 = [1, 2, 3, 4] ...
1.4. 获取敏感词列表 Stringtext="我小时候有个朋友叫张三,现在和他几乎没联系了";List<String>words=filter.wordList(text); 1.5. 增加白名单功能 - blacklist.txt- whitelist.txt 1.6. 增加方法重载 -replace(finalStringtext)// distance=0&symbol=*-replace(finalStringtext,finalcharsymbol)// distance=0-...
Swear Word List & Curse Filter Look up or learn curse words. Filter swear words & adult language. Curse Word Filter Swear Words 4 Letter Words Popular Bad Words Add Word FAQ Search Translate your text into Smurf withSmurfilator Swear Word Filter ...
linux makefile字符串操作函数 替换subst、模式替换patsubst、去首尾空格strip、查找字符串findstring、过滤filter、反过滤filter-out、排序函数sort、取单词word、取单词串wordlist、个数统计words 1.1 字符操作函数使用 在Makefile中可以使用函数来处理变量,从而让我们的命令或是规则更为的灵活和具有智能。make所支持的...
import java.util.List; @WebFilter("/*") public class SensitiveWordsFilter implements Filter { public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse resp, FilterChain chain) throws ServletException, IOException { //1.创建代理对象,增强getParameter方法 ...
_HAS[2]OF_•get rich•_WITHIN[20]OF_•quick This expression means that “get rich” appears at least 2 times within 20 words of “quick”. See Also Concepts Creating a keyword filter list
This requirement applies only to the five symbols in the preceding list. Filter tokens When you enter filter criteria, you can also enterfilter tokens, which are words that have special meaning. After you enter a filter token, it's replaced by the value or values that it represents. Filter...
public WordDelimiterTokenFilter setProtectedWords(String[] protectedWords) Set the protectedWords property: A list of tokens to protect from being delimited. Parameters: protectedWords - the protectedWords value to set. Returns: the WordDelimiterTokenFilter object itself.set...