PowerApps Copy "Height: "&ThisItem.Height&"cm" Let's add a Reload icon to let the users redo the measurements if they're not happy. On the Insert tab, expand the Icons dropdown and select the Reload icon. Position the icon as shown in the image and configure the OnSelect property...
The problem : on dropdown list : i set column manually, but on second drop down dropdown2, powerapps do not understand column name as param :I set on Items : distinct(Sharepointlist; dropdown1.selectedText.value). Do you have a solution please ? Thank you....
Drop downcontrols have different properties than other controls. You realize this factor as you become familiar with more controls. Additionally, our formula uses theDistinctfunction, which returns fields from a table, removing any duplicates. As a result, if you visited the same location multiple ...
PowerApps Nested Gallery with People Picker, Status & Data Perform Multiple Sort Operations In PowerApps Gallery Or Data Table Control Using PowerApps Filter Function for All SharePoint List Columns Convert A Single Line Of Text Field Values To DropDown And Filter A Gallery How to Create Multiple ...
I have a PowerApps that filters the results that match from a SharePoint list, since some hours ago, the elements dated later than July of this year ar not showing on the search, I've tried to modify the filter so it literally shows everything but still ...
2. Search using Dropdown 3. Search using Gallery,... Be default, PowerApps provides: - SortByColumns(Search(CustomGallerySample, TextSearchBox2.Text, "SampleText"), "SampleText", If(SortDescending1, SortOrder.Descending, SortOrder.Ascending)) ...
In this case, I had 3 dropdown controls. First I'm checking to see if each dropdown is blank or not. If it's NOT blank, then I'm filtering the gallery where the column value = the dropdown (dd) control value. Whether you end up with suffix Value, Result, or Text depends...
We've then added a gallery and filtered it to show only the the documents from the library where they equal the selected item from the dropdown: The Power Apps web part can then be embedded in a page on the site: This is the result: ...
Hi, I am creating a power app to view and make entries in a sharepoint list. Now I created a new Screen with a gallery and the source is my sharepoint list. In the list, there is a field that is called "closed" and it has a drop down menu with yes/no. Now I want this part...
Have an app and want to filter data in column that is a "choice" field in SharePoint list. Made a dropdown box where Items =...