See the Prettier's GitHub page for more information, and look at this page to see it in action. To format our code whenever we make a commit in git, we need to install the following dependencies: npm install --save husky lint-staged prettier Alternatively you may use yarn: yarn add ...
Do make sure to familiarise yourself with the implications of this parameter in the Input Preprocessing section below, before using it. Varying the Replacement Characters: If you don't want to replace your bad words with grawlix %&$#?£@! characters, you can also choose to replace the ...
but there may potentially be aspects related to it which are not covered by the tests and are breaking. If you encounter any issues you believe are related to this change please open a new issue with a dedicated reproduction for us to look into!
and some photographers make the mistake of turning the ring until they observe the maximum amount of polarization. That's not's always the best approach for a few reasons. First, darkening a pale sky to the max or achieving maximum saturation can result in an unnatural look. ...
I went with the Manliest Mann filter they make which is the normal activated charcoal. If that doesn't convince you the normal one will make your car go faster too. : ) Haha, well said! How's your 1M doing? I've yet to take mine out..I just bought an updated sticker and have ...
Have you ever been stymied by not having a filter system that was compatible with your favorite super-wide lens? If so, I hope this post opens new avenues for you. Feel free to ask questions and let us know how you make out in the Comments section, below!
Him and Jon Snow can make a great couple. "He's prettier than both of my daughters, but he knows how to fight." lol. Four stars for Nights Watch and the Wildlings. Jon Snow didn't die, he told the officer who was about to give him a ticket. 喷火龙好好用 (1 有用) 黑道家族...
+1 This is the core motivation for this issue. The CLI isn't blocking anyone, because the Prettier API makes it very easy to build your own custom CLI that works however you like. Whereas it's not feasible to make your own plugin for every editor. The settings need to be driven by ...
Refer to theLICENSEdocument for licensing details. TODO Make the README look prettier Add examples to README file itself and not just the examples directory. Have a suggestion for a new feature/function? File an issue in this repository with your requests. ...