For example, the measurement functions, in sensor models, of most tracking systems are established under spherical coordinates, and are strongly nonlinear when the states are estimated under Cartesian coordinates [14,15]. For nonlinear systems, fusion algorithms, which are achieved by the Taylor ...
Over the past three decades, many kinds of estimation models have been proposed, and the Kalman filter in different forms has been widely used in these models, e.g., extended Kalman filter, unscented Kalman filter, and other nonlinear filters based on the conventional Kalman filter. According ...
In the literature, different geometric models have been used to represent the human body: articulated model, truncated cylinder, conical, etc. The mechanical and kinematic constraints associated with the human body movements during its displacement are often integrated into the pose estimation process ...
uses four kinds of Tphoseittiroanjiencgtosrcyheomfepsofosrittihoeninndgoroerspuolstistiobnitnagintesdt:by the different positioning models is shown in Figure 11.Scheme 1: Using the WKNN positioning model based on a Wi-Fi signal strength affinity Fcolurstthereinugsefirngtrearjpercitnotrdyaotafbt...