Power BI-Berichte Startseite in Power BI Desktop Modernes Power BI-Menüband Menüband in Power BI Desktop optimieren OneDrive-Integration Arbeiten mit der Berichtsansicht Aktualisierte Bereiche „Format“ und „Visualisierungen“ in Power BI Interaktion auf dem Objekt Automatisch generierte Schnell...
Power BI Desktop Power BI-Dienst Das Suchfeature des Bereichs „Filter“ ist zwar standardmäßig aktiviert, allerdings können Sie es ein- oder ausschalten, indem Sie in den Berichtseinstellungen im Dialogfenster Optionen auf Enable search for Filters pane (Suche für Bereich „Fi...
3、步骤1-POWER BI导入6个表格并建模 4、任务1-要筛选销售额大于千万的产品 筛选条件是度量值大于固定值,必须要使用FILTER进行条件筛选 度量值1:销售总额 = SUM('销售明细表'[销售金额]) 度量值2:销售金额大于千万产品 = CALCULATE('销售明细表'[销售总额],FILTER('产品明细表','销售明细表'[销售总额]>=10...
不使用相当于filter all该字段 该字段等于某值 这样是恒等,该字段选什么值都不影响返回的结果,计算速...
048,576行。 于是,很多人表示相当满意,但还是有一些人表示,只是简单增加单表的行数不够 ...
《孙兴华讲PowerBI火力全开》笔记 09.聚合函数与迭代函数 <2>迭代函数 讲述了,AverageX、MaxX、MinX、CountX、CountaX、ProductX...它们与Filter函数一样都是行上下文 语法:一张新表=Filter('表名', 筛选条件) Filter函数: 不仅是表函数,还具有迭代功能(对表逐行扫描进行筛选),说白了就是限制表的行数用的 ...
Power BI 16 Δεκεμβρίου, 2019 έως Sujata Narayana This December update is packed with several new features! In preview, we have the new Customize theme dialog that allows you to tweak common theme settings without having to write or modify a JSON file! Additionally, we...
In this tutorial, we looked at ways to create conditions using AND “&&” and OR “||” expressions. Lastly, we presented one more way to combine multiple conditions – using nested structures. While Power BI supports data ingestion from multiple sources, why not streamline your data uploads ...
The data type for the field in the slicer must be a date, and not the default of text. Otherwise, the relative options don't show up in the slicer. Data models in Power BI don't include time zone info. The models can store times, but there's no indication of the time zone they...
• You can think of FILTER() as operating like a calculated column inside a table—but better . It is better because it can do everything a calculate column can do (in this case) but doesn't need to materialise a new column into the table. In Power BI, fewer columns is always bet...