filter-inserter Required technologies Thefilter inserteris an upgradedfast inserter. It has the same speed as a fast inserter, but has a configurable filter that allows the player to specify what items the inserter is or is not allowed to move. The player can specify up to five types of ite...
Infobox:Filter inserter Filter inserter Recipe + + → 1 10.75 + 10.5 + 12 Prototype type inserter Required technologies
[Factorio Mod] Automatically set inserter filters based on adjacent inventory/belt. - Wyrrrd/Autofilter
Factorio version: 1.1 Downloaded by: 571 users Adds Steam Filter Inserter, Steam Stack Inserter, Steam Stack Filter Inserter + Burner Stack Inserter, Burner Stack Filter Inserter. If Burner Filter Inserter mod is active will update it to Bob's Mod updates for the basic Burner Filter Graphics no...
filter- Checks for filter candidates in the inventory's filter settings at the inserter's pickup position. belt- Checks for filter candidates in the items on a belt at the inserter's pickup position. check- Checks for the current filter candidates, if they could be inserted in the inventory...
inserter 内部名称 filter-inserter 前置科技 加成科技 可由以下设施生产 更新历史 0.13.0: 重新加入游戏,取代智能机械臂,颜色改回紫色。 0.7.0: 从游戏里移除筛选机械臂(与智能机械臂合并),所有的筛选机械臂都变身为智能机械臂,并将颜色改为智能机械臂的绿色。
Factorio version: 1.1 Downloaded by: 49 users Compatibility addon for Amator Phasma's Coal & Steam (forked) and Steam and Burner Filter Update. Notable changes: - Burner Stack Inserter and Burner Stack Filter Inserter recipes are available at the start - Steam Inserter, Steam Filter Inserter, ...
Autofilter byWyrrrd Automatically set inserter filters based on adjacent inventory/belt. Utilities 3 months ago 0.17 - 2.0 1.44K source code Download