[if_empty](可选): 如果筛选结果为空时,可以指定返回的值。FILTER函数会根据包含条件的数据范围中的条件筛选出要筛选的数据范围中符合条件的数据,并将其显示在新的区域中。目前FILTER 函数仅支持在部分电子表格软件中使用,如WPS、Excel 365,您可以看看您的版本是否支持,倘若能够完整输入这个函数,则表示可以...
如果没有UNIQUE函数,可以使用=IFERROR(INDEX(A:A,1+MATCH(,COUNTIF(D$1:D1,A$2:A$8),)),"")。二、使用Filte筛选 FILTER(array, include, [if_empty])array:要筛选的数据范围;include:包含的条件,可以是一个数组或一个区域;if_empty:可选,如果没有匹配项,则返回的值。接下来,我们使用FILTER...
[if_empty](可选): 如果筛选结果为空时,可以指定返回的值。 FILTER函数会根据包含条件的数据范围中的条件筛选出要筛选的数据范围中符合条件的数据,并将其显示在新的区域中。 目前FILTER 函数仅支持在部分电子表格软件中使用,如WPS、Excel 365,您可以看看您的版本是否支持,倘若能够完整输入这个函数,则表示可以使用哦...
如果没有UNIQUE函数,可以使用=IFERROR(INDEX(A:A,1+MATCH(,COUNTIF(D$1:D1,A$2:A$8),)),"")。 二、使用Filte筛选 FILTER(array, include, [if_empty]) array:要筛选的数据范围; include:包含的条件,可以是一个数组或一个区域; if_empty:可选,如果没有匹配项,则返回的值。 接下来,我们使用FILTER...
I know this is the criteria for the Filter function in Excel 365: =FILTER(array,include,[if_empty]) I want to return results based the text in a column header. I won't know the column name (for example, if I want to search for the column with the…
The syntax of the FILTER function is FILTER(array, condition, [if_empty]) The first argument specifies which values you want to filter - for example a range. In the sample workbook, this is the range A2:D10 on Sheet1 The second argument specifies the condition. It must evaluate to ...
Step 2In the following example, we used the formula =FILTER(A5:D20,C5:C20=H2,"") to return all entries for Apple, as specified in cell H2, and an empty string ("") if no apples were found. Part 2. Best Alternative - WPS Office ...
TheFILTERfunction allows you to filter a range of data based on criteria you define. In the following example we used the formula=FILTER(A5:D20,C5:C20=H2,"")to return all records for Apple, as selected in cell H2, and if there are no apples, return an empty string (""). ...
You can use thethird (optional)[if_empty]argument of the FILTER function to capture instances where no matches are found and can re-write the formula to: =FILTER(D55:D69,G55:G69<0,"")
Why Is Your Excel Filter Not Working If your Excel filter isn't working, here are common ways to check why: Step 1:Ensure you've selected the entire data range before applying the filter. Select area before turning on Filter, or Excel might exclude data past empty rows/columns. Manually ...