In our example, we added text cards to let people know they can click on a chart to filter the dashboard, but you might want to just let people discover this cross-filtering functionality on their own. And if they miss it, they can always update the filter widgets by manually plugging ...
Click the Card filter button on a supported chart type. Click the n values tab. Choose either Show top n values or Show bottom n values. Use the menu to choose a value for n, or type a number in the text box. Click Apply. Cross filters Cross filters are a way to filter your data...
<ag-grid-vue:columnDefs="columnDefs"/* other grid options ... */></ag-grid-vue>this.columnDefs=[{field:'salesRep',filter:'agSetColumnFilter',chartDataType:'category'},{field:'sale',chartDataType:'series'},]; Cross-filtering Charts only support Client-Side Row Model. Grid filtering need...
Creating cross-filter charts Cross-Filter charts are created programmatically usingcreateCrossFilterChart(params)on the grid's API. The following snippet shows how a cross-filtering pie chart can be created: api.createCrossFilterChart({chartType:'pie',cellRange:{columns:['salesRep','sale'],},aggF...
I am trying to build an organization hierarchy chart for my commany but I cannot find one visual has the cross-filter function. For example, I have a department - employee table on the side, I want to click someone's name and this organization chart visual could automatically zoom in his...
Pulse chart shows a line chart annotated with key events. Each events can be selected to filter and cross highlight other visuals to reveal insights or help tell a story. Pulse chart supports animation so you can load your report and watch it play through key events, without user interaction...
Cross-sheet filters and controls Cross-sheet filters, controls enable applying filters across multiple sheets. Create, edit, remove cross-sheet filters, controls. Customize filter scope. August 29, 2024 Discover highly rated pages Abstracts generated by AI 1 2 3 4 Quicksight › userSupported ...
Apache Superset is a Data Visualization and Data Exploration Platform - Bar chart does not emit cross-filter if dimension is not set · apache/superset@c7c3b1b
You can also look up error codes in the Error Codes Appendix in the LabVIEW Cross Reference Manual. LabWindows/CVI Utilities This section contains descriptions of the DFD utilities that you can use from within your LabWindows/CVI applications to read DFD filter coefficient files and to filter ...
2.1.1445 Part 1 Section, chartObject (Chart Object) 2.1.1446 Part 1 Section, crossAx (Crossing Axis ID) 2.1.1447 Part 1 Section, crossesAt (Crossing Value) 2.1.1448 Part 1 Section, custUnit (Custom Display Unit) 2.1.1449 Part 1 Secti...