Filsafat Ilmu 作者:Sumber Wikipedia 页数:34 ISBN:9781233903313 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价
Based on the results of the study of literature clearly shows the relationship between philosophy and educational practice as in curriculum formulation and educational theories.Marlinton, MelisaHerlinaSuraidahPuspita, YennyEfendi, DarwinSyntax Idea
PROGRESIVISME FILSAFAT PENDIDIKAN NEL NODDINGS DAN RELEVANSINYA DALAM HUBUNGAN GURU DAN MURID DI INDONESIA 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 34 作者: NH Ali 摘要: This study aims to investigate Nel Nodding progressivism educational philosophy and its relevance in the relationship between teachers...
Inti pembahasan buku ini tentang Filsafat Ilmu yang dapat mendukung metodologi penelitian berkisar pada ilmu, Metode Ilmiah, dan Logika Penjelasan Ilmiah sebagaimana yang diartikan oleh Filsafat Ilmu itu sendiri. Tentang Ilmu akan dijelaskan mengenai pengetahuan dan ilmu, sifat-sifat dan asumsi dasar...
1.surga dan neraka 2.reinkarnasi. Tanpa pernah berpikir bahwa sebenarnya ada satu konsep alam kematian yaitu pindah alam atau dimensi. Setahu saya budaya dan kepercayaan Mesir kuno juga demikian. Jadi dalam pandangan saya, tidak ada salahnya mengenai konsep alam ...
PERBEDAAN PENELITIAN ILMIAH DAN NON ILMIAH DALAM RANAH FILSAFAT ILMUdoi:10.36418/syntax-literate.v9i6.16239Important to development of science if we know how to carry out scientific research. However, not all research is conducted using the same methods, and ...
ILMU DALAM PERSPEKTIF FILSAFAT (Suatu Upaya Mengembalikan Ilmu pada Hakikatnya)doi:10.14710/humanika.20.2.93-102emScience is a subsidiary of philosophy. As a mother, philosophy has a responsibility to guard science in order to keep on the right track. Science building is on three philosophical...
FILSAFAT ILMU KARL R. POPPER DAN THOMAS S. KUHN SERTA IMPLIKASINYA DALAM PENGAJARAN ILMUThis paper discusses human rights in Indonesia today is based on the results of the locally, nationally and globally surveys. The national and international surveys concluded that the enforcement of human rights...
PERSPEKTIF FILSAFAT ILMU TERHADAP PSIKOLOGI BELAJAR ANAK DALAM PROSES MENCARI PENGETAHUANScience began from the human admiration to both large and small scopes of nature. Human being as rational animal is equipped with curiosity. The characteristic of curiosity can be seen at their...
COUNSELINGRecently, student brawl behavior increased and even resulted in fatalities. As a consequence, offenders generally receive a suspension or are expelled from school. Based on the perspective of the guidance and counseling concept, these suspensions are contrary to the role and func...