A FILOSOFIA FOUCAULTIANA: UM CONVITE EXPERINCIA DE PENSAMENTO (AUTO)CRTICOdoi:10.20911/21769389v51n159p103/2024INTERPRETATION (Philosophy)POSSIBILITYDEFINITIONSANNIVERSARIESMichel Foucault challenges any attempt to be reduced to simplistic definitions. Commemorating the...
Educao de Surdos e Proposta Bilíngue: ativao de novos saberes sob a ótica da filosofia da diferena doi:10.1590/2175-623661117This article aims to put in dialogue French philosophy and deafness, using the constructs of the authors Gilles Deleuze, F茅lix Guattari and Michel ...
Foucault, Michel () Derrida, Jacques () Beauvoir, Simone Deleuze, Gilles ()Domingo L González Lopo