Sprawdź naszą listę najlepszych filmów roku 2023! Zobacz, które tytuły zdobyły serca widzów i krytyków.
This mind-bending film combines action and science fiction as Leonardo DiCaprio leads a team of skilled individuals who enter people’s dreams to extract information. Directed by Christopher Nolan, “Inception” is a mind-bending sci-fi action film that explores the world of dreams and subconscious...
“Aditya 369” (1991) Directed by Singeetam Srinivasa Rao, “Aditya 369” is a science fiction film that takes children on an exciting time-travel adventure. The story revolves around a group of kids who discover a time machine and embark on a mission to save the world. With its innovativ...
The launch of Harman was eagerly awaited because the science fiction movie had a huge budget. The project’s director, Harry Baweja, wanted the best for his kid, so he hired Kareena Kapoor Khan, one of the greatest in the field. The sum she received in compensation for the movie would ...