Billionaire and aviation tycoon Howard Hughes (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a successful public figure: a director of big-budget Hollywood films such as "Hell's Angels," a passionate lover of Hollywood leading ladies Katharine Hepburn (Cate Blanchett) and Ava Gardner (Kate Beckinsale), and an av...
Serendipity, indulging in the delightful concept of fate, narrates the entrancing story of star-crossed lovers, Jonathan (John Cusack) and Sara (Kate Beckinsale), determined to reunite against all odds. The enchanting essence of New York City during Christmastime interweaves with the film's mysti...
Kate Beckinsale has been part of the industry and managed to establish herself as one of the most exciting Hollywood movie stars of the century but her raw prowess as an actress still remains largely overlooked. Now this could be attributed to the fact that post ‘Underworld’, most her roles...
Kate Arrington Kate Beckinsale Kate Gilbert Kate Lyn Sheil Katie Quinn Katie Richmond-Ward Katie Sheridan KATIE’S MOM Keir Siewert Keith Allen Keith Eyles Kelli Maroney Kelly Wenham Ken Bressers Kenneth Cranham Keola Racela Keon Martial-Phillip Kevin De Groot Kidulthood ...
And thus this prequel actually stars most of the supporting characters from the previousUnderworldfranchise, and shows how the long-running battle between “lycans” and bloodsuckers began. If you ever wanted to see anUnderworldmovie without Kate Beckinsale (mostly without her; she makes a brief ...
Kate Beckinsale (Underworld 1-2; Van Helsing) Michelle Rodriguez (S.W.A.T.; Resident Evil; Girlfight) Zoe Bell (Death Proof; lead stuntwoman on Kill Bill & Xena) Sigourney Weaver (Aliens series) Grace Jones (Vamp; Conan the Destroyer; A View to a Kill) Milla Jovovich (Resident Evil ...
This drama is one that deserves far more recognition.Robert De Niroplays a widower who embarks on a road trip to reunite with his grown children. With Kate Beckinsale, Drew Barrymore, and Sam Rockwell, the cast is brilliant. With its story of family, a journey, and love, this wholesome ...
And thus this prequel actually stars most of the supporting characters from the previousUnderworldfranchise, and shows how the long-running battle between “lycans” and bloodsuckers began. If you ever wanted to see anUnderworldmovie without Kate Beckinsale (mostly without her; she makes a brief ...
VAMPIRE FILMS Kate Beckinsale Returns to Her Role as a Sexy Leather-Clad Vampire Queen in Underworld: Evolution. to Mark Its Release, Ticket Reader HELEN WILLIS of Penistone, Sheffield, Tells Us Her All-Time Top Five Vampire Movies.The Mirror (London, England)...
‘Serendipity’: Kate Beckinsale’s ‘Serendipitous’ Moment With a ‘Grease’ Star’s Girlfriend and the ‘Friends’ Actor Who Turned Down the Role of Sara Entertainment 1 month ago James Cameron Once Explained How Sigourney Weaver Reversed Her ‘Aliens’ Role in ‘Avatar’ ...