The film masterfully captures the decadence, deception, and scandal of the era while delivering compelling performances and razor-sharp dialogue. Actors: Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Jeremy Renner, Amy Adams, Jennifer Lawrence Directed by: David O. Russell Also ranks #3 on The B...
This wildly popular South Korean romantic comedy tells the story of a college student who becomes involved with an unpredictable and spirited young woman. The film's witty dialogue, hilarious antics, and heartfelt moments make it an enjoyable and unforgettable experience. With its charming leads and...
28.attractive11.dialogue 12.Asian 13.director29.park 30.row14.might 15.scared 16.animal-lover短语17.record 18.silly 19.gun1.catch one's attention20.comedy the role 23.announce your dreams107初中英语词汇默写手册4.pass a hurry5....
It is a great honor and joy for me to be offered to become the Jury President of the 15th Shanghai International Film Festival. I should devote my next years to immerse myself in China, shooting there for many months, getting to know better the various components, traditions and cultures ...
In order for afilm to be truly great, it needs to excel in all those spheres.For scripts if the dialogue is clunky and unnatural t is usually noticed by audiences and critics alike. No matterhow amazing the plot is or how beautiful the visuals are if the script is pretentious or ...
This is not to say it’s amateurish though in certain ways it is and mostly just it’s that the dialogue is spotty. Rather, it has the feel of an episodic adventure more than an actual film. This makes perfect sense since it was inspired by the W. W. Jacobs short story “The Monk...
Filmed with great care and precision in piercing monochrome and with barely any dialogue to drown out the intense expressiveness of the people and the landscapes captured on camera, Douglas has often been cited as Britain’s answer to France’s Robert Bresson. It’s an accolade that makes ...
(#16); and an awkward family game night culminating with a wildly gross exploding head inChristmas Cracker(#23). But what really stood out to me as unique wasThey Once Had Horses(#18), a featurette of a kind dialogue between two old west types around a fire, one of them badly ...
With over 50 films on four screens this Labor Day weekend, we’re proud to present a program that includes the inspired work of everyone from first-time filmmakers to established indie auteurs. Every year our selections shine a light on new independent work by filmmakers and talent that are ...
The film is based on the legendary Huo Yuan Jia, the Chinese Kung Fu master and the story of how he changes the face of modern-day Chinese martial arts. The storyline and dialogue of the film fall short compared to Jet Li’s other films, but other than that, ‘Fearless’ is a treat...