This installment marks the return of the seemingly indestructible masked murderer Michael Myers (George P. Wilbur), who is targeting Tommy Doyle (Paul Stephen Rudd), a young man tied into the legacy of the killer and his connections with the Strode family. As the supernatural elements of Michae...
Tensions between her and Dong-sik lead to an affair, and while the pregnancy ends in a miscarriage, it also results in the maid becoming obsessed with killing the entire family, starting with their older son. Soon their comfortable home becomes a physical and psychological battleground. Released...
Optical transmission images of the films taken at a pressure slightly below the hydrogenation plateau, clearly shows the nucleation and growth behavior of Mg starting from preferential nucleation sites (Fig. 2). From an analysis of the relation between the step curvature and the expansion of the ...
with the clerk totally unaware as he was playing his violent video game, all the shots fired and no one hit, topped off by the explosion with destroys the store, all this was “movie-ish,” but Cusack stabbing the guy in the throat with the pen at the reunion certainly ...
Starting with a query protein sequence, the server performs... C Christophe,J Martin,D Gilbert,... - 《Bioinformatics》 被引量: 839发表: 2002年 Structure of the cro repressor from bacteriophage λ and its interaction with DNA The three-dimensional structure of the 66-amino acid cro repressor...
The film covers key points in his life, starting from when he was taken off a white-only train compartment in 1893, and ending with his 1948 death and funeral. MovieStillsDB Ben Kingsley got to embrace his Indian roots and play Gandhi himself – a role that has won him an ...
With a prevalence of about 1 % in Germany (2012) it places a high burden on the quality of life of patients as well as the health care system [1]. Chronic wounds are non-healing wounds, which develop due to defective regulation of a tightly controlled healing process, often because of ...
Ti 4+ states of the films are nearly constant at 0.47 up to O 2 flow rate of 20 sccm, and then slightly increase with increasing O 2 flow rate. Although rutile TiO 2 is used as a starting material, titanium K -edge x-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES) spectra show that ...
ChemInform Abstract: CaMg 2 P 6 O 3 N 10 - A Quinary Oxonitridophosphate with an Unprecedented Tetrahedra Network Structure Type. CaMg2P6O3N10 has been synthesized starting from stoichiometric amounts of Ca(N3)2, Mg3N2, P3N5, and PON in a high-pressure/high-temperature reaction at 8 ...
The results obtained were compared with those obtained from analogous polymers prepared starting from the simple α-olefins undecene, octadecene and tricosene. The polymers prepared from the α-olefins containing amide linkages generally gave poor monolayers and in only one case could a Langmuir—...