Director Vittorio De Sica created this trilogy of romantic comedies set in different parts of Italy, with Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni starring in each story. In Naples, poor Adelina supports her husband by selling black market cigarettes. In Milan, wealthy Anna is having an affair with...
The film is a transposition, set in Milan and Turin, of the novel Bubu de Montparnasse by Charles-Louis Philippe. Released: 1971 Directed by: Mauro Bolognini Buck and the Preacher Sidney Poitier, Harry Belafonte, Ruby Dee Following the end of the Civil War, soldier-turned-trail-guide Buck...
and the price of tickets are sold accordingly.Next week we will show an Italian film called Midnight Meeting.It is set in Milan in the 1950s.You can see that film from Monday to Thursday in September.It will be on twice a day in the evenings.That’s at 6: 45 and 9: 15.The film...
Set in Milan, the Italian drama charts the disillusion of a family in the wake of its patriach’s death. Five brothers and their mother adjust to city life outside of their rural home in a tragic melodrama that soon involves a deadly love triangle. Photo : Paramount/Kobal/Shutterstock ...
Education: Educated in Milan, at Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografica, Rome, and at Slade School of Fine Arts, London (on scholarship), 1959–63. Career: Directed first feature, I pugni in tasca , 1965; joined cooperative dedicated to militant cinema, 1968; co-directed 5-part series for...
Milan tunes in doc.(SCANDINAVIA)(Finnish Marianna Films)(Milan Records)(Brasileirinho)(Brief article)Lundberg, Pia
Starring Hugh Jackman and Claudia Karvan, the romantic comedy was considered an international breakthrough and screened “In Competition” in both the Hollywood and Milan Film Festivals. A graduate of the London Film School, Antony began his career writing and directing several short films and acclai...
Cloud Fondue Films is an award winnning full service film production house. Established in 2018 we have produced over 50 commercials, won award and have a diverse clientele that spans multiple industries. Our short films have been screened at Internation
standardization and uniformity, the film explores the effects of a rapidly changing landscape on lives and livelihoods. Set in Wayanad, in South India, ‘Have you seen the arana?’ is a journey through a rich and bio-diverse region that is witnessing drastic transformation in the name of ‘...
Set in Naples, Paolo Sorrentino’sParthenopetakes its title from the woman whose story begins with her birth in 1950 and carry on to the present. In Greek mythology, Parthenope was a siren who threw herself into the sea when her song failed to entice Odysseus. Sorrentino’s Parthenope is “...