2023年9-12月雅思口语Part1题库及答案-FILMS 电影 1. What films do you like? 2. Did you often watch films when you were a child? 1、What films do you like? 回答指导意见:回答这个问题时,可以描述你喜欢的电影类型、具体的电影作品或导演,并提供一些具体的细节和理由来支持你的回答。 回答示例:I ...
IELTS Speaking Part 1 Films Do you like to watch films? Yes, I am very fond of watching films as I find them very entertaining and informative. Do you prefer foreign films ? I have no such preference as I like to watch inspirational movies with good stories. I also like to watch docum...
IELTS 首页 练习 模考 公开课 提分课程 备考资讯 满分主讲 APP 我的雅思 登录 练习栏目> 机经> PART1 Films/Movies Films/Movies已练习 0/ 0 去练习 Q1: Do you often watch films/movies? / how often do you watch movies? 436 人练过 共517条录音 查看题目详情 > 去练习 Q2...
Why you find it interesting Speaking of a period of history that I fond of,I would like to talk something about the Middle age. Life in the Middle Ages was completely different than we see it today. Some reflections of life of that period are found in cinemas but most of them are unre...
所属专辑:SpeakMax IELTS 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 Hello and welcome to another episode of SpeakMax! I’m your host, Joey, and today we’re diving into a nostalgic question in Speaking Part One: “Did you often watch films when you were a child?” Let’s start with a simple answer, then...
IELTS Cambridge 6 Test 3: AC Reading Module Reading Passage 1: Questions 1-13 This passage contains no title Questions 1-5:Identifying information: [This question asks you to find information from the passage and write the number of the paragraph (A, B,...
1. Do you think the cinema has increased or decreased in popularity in recent years?2. In your opinion, will this trend continue in the future?3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of making films of real-life events?4. How important do you think it is for a filmmaker to remain...
害怕开口|我学员用5秒法则,从羞耻到自信 我们其实超级自卑 「看起来很自信」都是用这1招刻意练习的 亲测有效的最快方法 “去一件接着一件的,完成自己害怕的事情” 相信我,如果你没有那么幸运,在充满鼓励的原生家庭长大 那么获取自信最快的方式,一定是这个 #雅思口语 #不敢开口 #恐惧 #英语 34 00:00 雅思...
描述一下你最近看过的电影. 你应该说 你对这部电影的感受如何. 您观看这部电影的时间和地点 这部电影是关于什么的并解释一下 以前的 课 回到 课程 下一个 课
所属专辑:雅思口语IELTS speaking topics 声音简介 Question:do you like watching films? Answer: Absolutely! They are an excellent way tounwind. Moreover, my friends are really into films, so it’s a fun, relaxing way to spend time together. Afterwards, we discuss and debate the film that we...