Chances are no one is reaching forSchindler’s Listor an Academy Award winner with heavy drama. This is the time to put on a fun movie with a nice easy plot. These are the best movies to watch while drinking or, depending on how late in the night you fire up Netflix, ...
Also ranks #1 on Uncomfortable Comedies That Aren't Mainstream For A Reason Also ranks #6 on The 40+ Best Patton Oswalt Movies Also ranks #8 on What To Watch If You Love 'Dead To Me' 37 votes Is this a great little indie flick? 9 Matthew McConaughey in Mud Photo: Lionsgate Amazon ...
A refreshing and unusual aspect is that all of the characters are animals – cats, dogs, birds, fish – and none of them speak, plus they largely behave the way the creatures they are would, which is atypical for animated films. Available for streaming on Prime. ___ Hard Truths ((Mike...
Since the film is so Italian it’s joyful to watch it for this aspect alone. There are frequent sequences shot on location in Sicily, and around Italy, a treat for those partial to European films. The Seduction of Mimi (1972) is a film I’d like to see again for more appreciation a...
The first 40ish minutes of the film showcases the tranquil life for the Paiva family as they spend their time swimming in the Atlantic Ocean, adopting dogs, and hosting parties for their family and friends. They live in a gorgeous home (kudos to production designer Carlos Conti and set deco...
But once you heard it it became obvious why these dogs never made it onto a real album. This DVD is only recommended for 'completionists' who must have everything Lynch has done. "Six Men Getting Sick" is somewhat visually interesting but short and repetitive. It lacks the power of ...
182 Straw Dogs Sam Peckinpah United States, 1971 233 Stray Dog Akira Kurosawa Japan, 1949 Street of Shame Kenji Mizoguchi Japan, 1956 1079 Streetwise Martin Bell United States, 1984 Street Without End Mikio Naruse Japan, 1934 673 Stromboli Roberto Rossellini Italy, 1950 The Suitor Pierre...
However, if you're in the mood to binge watch a TV show or rather focus on something shorter, then check out our best Netflix TV shows to watch list. From animated flicks to war epics, Netflix's movie library has something for everyone and we've made it easier for you to decide wh...
brainer for those who don't already own the films. In our estimation, X-Men, X-Men 2 and X-Men: Apocalypse provide enough of an upgrade over their Blu-ray equivalents to warrant a double dip for devoted fans, while the rest still offer the definitive version of each film to watch at...
First sign of trouble: the shrews are just some ridiculously dressed up dogs. The film fails to have any conflict in the first half of the film . ..and it's only 69 minutes long! Also, it's hard to understand some of the actors' thick accents. The film's available via the ...