Sparks, the iconic American pop and rock duo comprising brothers Ron and Russell Mael, have long been celebrated for their enduring musical presence and innovative approach to music. With their latest release, “The Girl Is Crying In Her Latte” on Island Records, they continue to showcase thei...
Foxtrot/ Israel (Director & Screenwriter: Samuel Maoz, Producers: Michael Weber, Viola Fügen, Eitan Mansuri, Cedomir Kolar, Marc Baschet, Michel Merkt) — Michael and Dafna are devastated when army officials show up at their home, announcing the death of their son Jonathan. While his sedated ...
The new streaming service will showcase a range of new and classic genre, arthouse and indie films from across East and South East Asia. The launch is being marked with a time-limited retrospective of highlights from the celebrated Terracotta Far East Film Festival, which was set up ...