This powerful film recounts the true story of a hotel manager who risks his own life to save more than a thousand refugees during the Rwandan genocide. Facing imminent danger and unspeakable violence, he uses his wit and resourcefulness to protect those under his care, becoming an unlikely...
“Anne Aghion asks a lot oftough questionsin My Neighbor My Killer, the fourth and last in her series of films about the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. But the most difficult, posed on the posters for her new film, may be this: after the killing has ceased, and order has been restored,‘H...
Aghion is co-founder and Honorary President of IRIBA CENTER FOR MULTIMEDIA HERITAGE in Kigali, a place where all Rwandans will have access to the country’s audiovisual history.To learn more about Anne Aghion and her other films, visit her website
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About These Ratings Could there be an analogy to the larger and far more important question of why the Western world was largely silent in the face of the Rwandan genocide itself? In Michael Caton-Jones’s Beyond the Gates, a fictional BBC reporter makes a brutal confession: “When I was ...
Had the Holocaust been a purge of any other race or group of people, everyone would most likely accept the facts. Who, for example, disputes that at least 800,000 Rwandans died in the genocide that occurred during the Rwandan civil war? Or that around 1.7 million Cambodians died in the ...
“Anne Aghion asks a lot oftough questionsin My Neighbor My Killer, the fourth and last in her series of films about the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. But the most difficult, posed on the posters for her new film, may be this: after the killing has ceased, and order has been restored,‘...
In 2006, Scranton debuted at Tribeca with her Iraq film,The War Tapes,which took home Best Documentary honors. Her latest is a heartbreaking look at the Rwandan genocide. The documentary, which offers extensive interviews with Rwandan president Paul Kagame, follows the victims of the massacres ...
This powerful film recounts the true story of a hotel manager who risks his own life to save more than a thousand refugees during the Rwandan genocide. Facing imminent danger and unspeakable violence, he uses his wit and resourcefulness to protect those under his care, becoming an unlikel...