University Hosts Showing of Civil Rights Film
uumlpmannHeideLevinThomasY.EBSCO_AspNew German CritiqueSchlupmann. Phenomenology of Film: On Siegfried Kracauer' s Writings of the 1920s [M]. New German Critique 40 , Winter 1987: 97.Schlupmann.Phenomenology of Film:On Siegfried Kracauer’’s Writings of the 1920s.New German Critique. 1987...
doi:0936-6652(1996)165:4<386:DSBDAU>2.0.TX;2-3abdomen-übersichtsaufnahmedigitale lumineszenzradiographiefilm-folien-systemstrahlenexpositionbildqualitätPurpose: To determine and compare the minimum required radiation exposure for a.-p. abdominal radiographs with digital luminescence radiography (DLR)...