1969’s Women in Love is an amazing film with terrific acting all around. Taking romantic drama to an entirely different level and setting a new standard for brilliant complexities in film, the work of art from director Ken Russell is peppered with nuances making it rich with great storytelling...
In Love Lies Bleeding, Strength Is Satirical Kristen Stewart’s new film is not your typical tale about “strong women” — and that’s the point. By Natalie MichieDate April 3, 2024 Love Lies Bleeding is a film that thrives on contradictions. It’s both sexy and disgusting; delicately ro...
Women in Love (1969) 83% #164 Critics Consensus: A quartet of nuanced performances and Ken Russell's off-kilter direction brings D.H. Lawrence's battle of the sexes to tactile life. Synopsis: Close friends Rupert Birkin (Alan Bates) and Gerald Crich (Oliver Reed) begin romances with...
You could call the 40 executives on THR‘s inaugural International Women in Entertainment — Film list “the survivors.” As seismic disruptions rocked the indie world, from Covid shutdowns to the decimation of the special cinema market, these women have found a way to secure the money and ...
Women & Men 2: In Love There Are No Rules: Regia di Walter Bernstein, Mike Figgis, Kristi Zea. Con Matt Dillon, Kyra Sedgwick, Jerry Stiller, Kevin Rooney. Three short stories about women and men relationship. The first about a successful boxer in New Yo
When it becomes clear that an unprecedented crisis is unfolding, Arledge and Magaro do their best to manage the chaos while broadcasting the situation live to the world. Not only do they have to keep a diverse group of people working together, even though women are relegated to secondary role...
从1989年起,美国国会图书馆每年都会选取25部电影归档保存,它们并非一定要是最好的作品,而是要能够广泛代表美国文化,体现美国电影的整体水平,展现美国波澜壮阔的历史进程。国会图书馆目前已经保存了550部不同年代,题材各异的故事片、纪录片、实验电影等,堪称一个多世纪以来美国优秀电影的大集合。 1989 01 Best Years ...
"Sue Matheson's Love in Western Film and Television: Lonely Hearts and Happy Trails certainly ranks among the handful of most important studies of the Western genre. Well-written, superbly researched, insightful, and wonderfully entertaining, Matheson's impressive book explores a topic richly deservin...
It forces the audience to realize this too. Tootsie was released in the early 1980s when women’s liberation was strong and more women were in the workplace so the message was timely. The producer of the fictional soap opera is female which enhances the gender message brought across. ...
Is there an attraction between Harrison and László? Harrison has no wife and seems uninterested in women. László visits a prostitute and cannot perform; he dances with a gorgeous woman and cannot be seduced. He cannot have sex with his wife. ...