but also echoing still in something like The Silence of the Lambs (1991) — the trapped woman, the marks of desperately clawing fingernails, the artist-killer trying to perfect flesh and soul with the bodies
Courts métrages & projets Test Blu-ray Critiques Festivals À lire Dossiers A propos Contact LiensCritique : The Brutalist Avec The Brutalist, Brady Corbet livre son film le plus audacieux, affichant une durée exceptionnelle de 3 heures et 34 minutes pour un faux biopic captivant. En archit...
Hollywood’s also always been a place full of people not using their real names, because their real identities were inconvenient – too ethnic, usually, or too much associated with things to be fled from or forgotten or best left unprovoked, or just plain too unromantic, too lumpen, too ev...
It is through metaphors that Gorris conveys her political message: A Question of Silence presents the Western world as a prison for women; Broken Mirrors shows this world as a brothel and in The Last Island a potential paradise turns into a worldly hell because of male violence. Each film is...
Avant d'aller voir un film, j'ai l'habitude de lire les critiques sur les plateformes telles que Rotten Tomatos et Sens Critique etc. 在去看某部片子之前,我习惯了要先上“烂番茄”和“文化评论”等平台看一下影评。 好...
Interestingly enough, it also brutally critiques the so-called criminal code of silence in a far more cold and realistic way. This character arc underscores one of the central themes of Kiss of Death: the cost of redemption. Bianco’s decision to inform reflects his attempt to leave his ...
She has also been a judge on talent shows like The X Factor and America's Got Talent, gaining recognition for her sharp critiques and witty remarks. Furthermore, she served as a co-host on CBS's daytime talk show The Talk from 2010 to 2021, showcasing her skills as a host and ...
which cast Hedyeh Tehrani proved that he has come of age and nobody could doubt his directing abilities anymore. About Elli has been the pinnacle of his professional career about which many critiques have been written in the past two years. Nader’s Separation form Simin is the name of his...
ambiguity that illustrate the suppressed nature of FALN’s history. Disjunction offers Muñoz a fruitful place from which to reimagine and revive an oppositional relation to capitalism and colonialism – one that does not rely on legibility of the social order that the film critiques and rejects....
Miller (1971) of the opening moments seems inescapable, down to Altman using Brel-influenced Leonard Cohen songs in the same way; possibly on Sergio Corbucci’s The Great Silence (1968) too. The time is the 1840s, in backwoods France. The rider is Police Captain Robert Langlois (Claude ...