Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “Encanto” tells the tale of an extraordinary family, the Madrigals, who live hidden in the mountains of Colombia, in a magical house, in a vibrant town, in a wondrous, charmed place called an Encanto.‘We don’t talk about Bruno’ Back to the Future (19...
One film with great trailers that might be a sleeper is The Kid who Would be King which is a new spin on the Arthurian legend of the Sword in the Stone. It’s reviewed in 6 Degrees Magazine this week, along with reviews of Glass (No 1 at the box office last week), and one of ...
The Kid Who Would Be King Shazam Support the Girls We’ve been watching too much tv lately so I’ve still got loads waiting to be watched. Vox Lux, Us, Out of Blue, Woman at War, Dirty God, Being Frank, The Vanishing. 2 Supporters 14.5k PostedAugust 18, 2019 Current top 10, in ...
Like King Vidor and Rouben Mamoulian, other star directors who midwifed the shift from the silent to sound era with their creative potency only to lose critical respect with long and stumbling late careers, Milestone never really fought to escape the studio production treadmill, with an ultimately...
Credits (Film): The Lion King, Return of the Jedi, Field of Dreams Also ranks #2 on American Public Figures Who Are National Treasures Also ranks #2 on The All-Time Best Voice Actors Also ranks #3 on 28 Things You Probably Didn't Know About The '80s Biggest Movie Stars 8 Idris E...
Stephen King Knows What A 11.22.63 Sequel Series Would Look Like 12/15/2024 by Debopriyaa Dutta Slash Film You’d Be Surprised to Know the Difference Between Anya Taylor-Joy and Chris Hemsworth’s Salary in “Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga” ...
Vvs Films has revealed the full official trailer for a mysterious religious drama titled The King Tide, set in a struggling East Coast island community in Canada. This indie thriller first premiered at the 2023 Toronto Film Festival last year, and it also played at the Atlantic & Cinéfest ...
It was an oddly simple, yet sensual and relatable film. I mean who doesn't love to get naked after the gym? Plus the guy was very sexy. Usually this sort of thing would really piss me off for it's lack of an actual storyline, but it just made sense to me and was strangely beau...
Lorraine Gary, who would have a lead role in later films with poor results, is terrific as the supportive yet challenging wife, Ellen. She is the yin to his yang and it comes across on-screen. The best scenes of the film are the very first one when the girl is eaten by the shark ...
Beneath the surface is the racial diversity of three prominent black characters who became popular staples of the franchise. There are a few ethnic slurs but those are by the villains who receive their comeuppance. There are several LGBTQ+ situations one of which involves two of the foils purp...