Nightmare Film Shoots: The Most Grueling Films Ever Made, from ‘Deliverance’ to ‘Mad Max’ to ‘Avatar 2’ From "Jaws" to "The Northman," these cast and crew members went to hell and back to make their feature films. By Christian Zilko, Wilson ChapmanJune 6, 2023 7:00 pm ...
TORONTO, Canada, Dec 23 2024 (IPS) - Do you sometimes feel like a hamster on its wheel, or perhaps stuck on a runaway train hurtling towards the abyss? Whatever metaphor one might choose for our world looking back on 2024, rainbows don’t easily spring to mind. Farhana Haque RahmanWars...
Wheatley did seem to be bent on having some fun with the material, wielding imagery that grazed Jules Verne territory as well as The Abyss and touching on Wheatley’s love of psychedelic plant life as his heroes trekked through a sunken fluorescent garden before entering a mysterious underwater...
Zaman Dark (Horror, France/Lebanon, 93 mins, subtitled). Christophe Karabache’s disturbing political horror film. Lebanon is on the abyss, and two laid off chemists attempt to survive by eating human flesh. Short: Wolf Juice (24 mins) Monday, August 21st BLOCK 12 3:30 The Chase (Horror...
2023 | Action | Horror | M Cliff Curtis | Jason Statham | Sienna Guillory 65 million years ago (the Cretaceous Period), mediocre computer-animated tadpole-like dinosaurs feast on a carcass washed ashore, before getting chased into the ocean by a ravenous T-Rex. But then, pouncing on the ...
It is James Cameron's third film to receive this rating (with Titanic and The Abyss). The mating scene was cut short in the original release because James Cameron felt that it would make some audience members feel uncomfortable, and to avoid an "R" rating of the film. Avatar was the ...
TORONTO FILM FESTIVAL REVIEW: “The Past” Like his Oscar-winning A Separation, Asghar Farhadi’s THE PAST is concerned with the abyss of uncertainty and mystery that lies under seemingly straightforward actions, the ever-increasing complications that become evident whenever o...
TORONTO FILM FESTIVAL REVIEW: “The Past” Like his Oscar-winning A Separation, Asghar Farhadi’s THE PAST is concerned with the abyss of uncertainty and mystery that lies under seemingly straightforward actions, the ever-increasing complications that become evident whe...
20 Best International Films of 2023 20. Milisuthando (South Africa) Set in the past, present, and future of South Africa,Milisuthandois a memory-driven documentary that captures the South African experience with intimacy. Like the journal films of Jonas Mekas, it captures the feeling of a...
義大利導演多納托卡瑞西的燒腦新作《屍發現場》(I Am the Abyss),透過湖中的女屍斷臂,牽連起三位謎樣人物的背後祕密,一窺邪惡源頭。偽實境恐怖喜劇《嚇死油土伯》(Deadstream),讓網紅獨自前往鬼屋直播衝流量,竟吸引一群神祕粉絲「熱情」相伴,除了西班牙Sitges奇幻影展觀眾票選獎好評推薦,逼真鬼怪設計更獲得倫敦恐怖...