《私刑教育》(The Equalizer)改編自80年代犯罪影集《都市奇俠》,描述一名退休探員,以暴制暴、尋求正義的故事。而近期上映的《私刑教育2》不僅是導演安東尼富夸(Antoine Fuqua)的首部續集作品,更是影帝丹佐華盛頓(Denzel Washington)從影40餘年來,首度接演的續集電影,使電影未演先轟動,引起熱烈討...
Fest organizers say: "Student filmmakers representing a college or school do not pay any fee. Free for 'Works in Progress' (one minute promo tape MAXIMUM)."DAM SHORT FILM FESTIVAL (February 2010) Downtown Boulder City 806 Buchanan Blvd Suite 115-181 Boulder City, Nevada 89005 tel: (702) ...
She has been a guest critic at Yale University, Duke University and Rhode Island School of Design. Jordan has advised and contributed to numerous film productions. She and Ascher are Executive Producers of the ITVS-supported film, Deej, winner of the Peabody Award. She has received grants ...
Washington, DC ? On June 19th and 20th, Filmteenth International Film Festival will launch its inaugural presence at the Landmark Bethesda Row Cinema Theater in Bethesda, MD. This groundbreaker was birthed by festival organizer Will Gorham, who reflected, ?I felt this ...
Washington DC is an international talent magnet, pulling in people from around the world to advance agendas for their home territories. With a milieu that’s…
Posted in Academy Award nominee, documentary, Documentary Short, drama, Film Festival, Film School interview, foreign, History, Indie, Netflix, Oscar nominated, Oscar Winner | Leave a reply Phoenix Rising – Co-directors Ian Bonhôte and Peter Ettedgui Posted on RISING PHOENIX tells the extra...
JUNE 28, 2021, WASHINGTON, DC — The American Film Institute (AFI) has announced the AFI DOCS 2021 Award Winners, concluding the six-day festival, with screenings presented online and in-person at the AFI Silver Theatre and Cultural Center. The festival’s Audience Award for Best Feature wen...
“The art, music and food of France always make me think French are romantic and good at mixing art with life, ” said Qing Pei, a Senior 2 from Shanghai Qibao High School. “I know that Chinese people describe France as romantic.It is true, but France is far more than that.”said...
1.5Kvoters 1reranks It's always a bummer when a long anticipated movie turns out to be a flop and some of the most disappointing films of 2018 left audiences angry. There are a variety of reasons a movie may disappoint. Adaptations of beloved books may fail to stay loyal to...
Born on August 24, 1973, in Washington, D.C., Chappelle was raised in Silver Spring, Maryland. The seeds of his comedic talent were sown early on as he attended the Duke Ellington School of the Arts in Washington, D.C., where he studied theater arts. His passion for comedy ignited...